Awc is close lmao

I doubt it

Having stuns long enough to kill on consecutive targets every single dr just makes the game easy in a way nothing else does. I played boomy dh in sl and bulldozing with instant dam isn’t half as fun as pumping dam and then clone into a stunned target every ten seconds

preaching to the choir here man.

i just meant that outlaw boomie sounds versatile in a way that reflects the versatility MCH comps had in the past

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Nah, it’s not even close. Between cheapshot and cyclone buffs as well as sub having the ability to win games off anything you do, it was the strongest comp I’ve ever played by far.

Ya. It’s crazy how boomy just gets ran over and explodes without a rogue and how strong boomy is WITH a rogue for stuns.

I just want to be a tanky owl and have cyclone nerfed :frowning:

I hate seeing sam playing a more heavy haste/mast build than i get to play simply because I don’t get to play with a rogue. I’m forced into over 40% vers/haste just to be allowed to play, because I choose wizard gameplay over rogues.


oh you’re playing dancing not outlaw mybad. yeah. sounds insane lol

Ironically this mirros wotlk classic rn lol. even in wotlk you run spirit if you’re with casters or crit if you’re with rogue. // spirit build dots & rots between starfalls, crit build spams wraths. etc. even if you like crit build you can’t play it unless you have the rogue holding people down for you.

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Forced into heavy vers is because of the raw damage incoming into boomies is from all meta classes, which coincidentally are either too tanky or already hard counters to boomy.

I find it funny how hard BM slaps boomy around, yet I’d any day rather play vs 2 BMs than a single dh or dk.

It genuinely disgusts me taht I could easily get 14-16% more mastery into my gear, but if I do I’m just not legally allowed to play or im going to be grey screened


wait until u guys see the surprise sp/ele reveal in semi finals clean 3-0 straight to blizzcon

So buff surv?

I just feel like there’s a happy medium between slands s1 unkillable giga tank and 0.5s clone casts with high winds. Now we have none of those things and are just waiting for our rogue overlords to stun :frowning:

The day you catch me qing with a rogue you can call me any name you want.

I refuse to submit to our rogue overlords.

how do we know you don’t on an alt, buddy

Somebody pin this.

I, on the other hand, am LF an outlaw rogue to push r1 with. Plz dm me!


kralj is in last season gear my guy

you could have a third sneaky one…


their was 1 surv as well

should of seen the dhs in EU legit 30 of them and less outlaw rogues

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Why did Outlaw outpace Sub this Season?

Tanky, better control, and while hte damage can be a bit weird at times it has pretty high burst that isn’t CD reliant.

Also outlaw generally tends to dodge heavy handed nerfs just due to it being a spec that isn’t the easiest to pickup and easily pilot.


Recent running also killed sub rogue cheese, more hp and evis nerfed by 10%, harder to one shot every 30 seconds now, also stam buff benefits outlaw cause they have a talent that increase their hp by % of stamina so they have extra hp plus their tool kit and damage is constant.

