Wavvy is a former CE guild (server 11th M Ghuun) recently returned for 8.3 and LFM for Heroic Ny’Alotha. We are a small guild made up of WoW veterans who have been playing since Vanilla. We have achieved CE in multiple raid tiers but took a break after downing Mythic Ghuun and pushing to 6/9M pretty quickly after BoD release. A few of us have dabbled in all the content since but we are taking things more casual just looking to push AOTC in NyAlotha (currently 6/12H).
We run a very casual schedule (currently T/W 9pm-11pm CST). If people are on and want to run additional nights or throw together alt runs as well that is definitely something we can make happen. We are looking to add a few like minded players to our roster. What we are looking for:
-players with previous Heroic or Mythic experience.
-Know how to play your class/spec at a high level and always strive to improve.
-Good attitude, no drama or toxicity…We like to have a lot of fun and we dont put up with any stupid drama.
-Players who are reliable and show up for raid nights 90% of the time.
Current Needs:
-1 healer
-1 Tank
-Always willing to chat with good dps
Currently we have not discussed any interest in doing Mythic this tier but we will see if we get the itch once H is down (which shouldnt take long).
We also are looking for players looking to run M+ and push high keys this season as quite a few of us are looking to push keys a lot outside of raid!
If we seem like a good fit for you feel free to dm me on discord for more info and we can chat more! Vitalian#4229