Awakening the Machine is to much easy

Axe toss and mortal coil works to kill those adds, no need to use the hound. I have not tried out the other types of fear to see if those work as well.

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I’ve been using fear, but hound would be nice when there are two fire beams.

I still survived, but I realized I could be doing it easier.

I mortal coil one since it is instant cast, gives a bit of health too, and then axe toss the other one. Works super well I also have the second felguard which does an axe toss just in case. Also axe toss is a stun or interrupt depending on if the mob is immune to stuns. One of the best changes made for the felguard. I do think the hound has a shorter cooldown.

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That’s a good idea for mortal coil. I think I’ll switch from howling to that. Thank you.

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everything in this game doesnt need to be a meta-humping sweat fest. please just stop.

first of all proofread your title