Awakening the Machine is to much easy

It’s just a regular open world weekly. If you want higher tiers and better gear, that’s what Delves are for.


I kind of wish we could speed up the waves. A hard mode of sorts.


Don’t do it then?


then the same OP would be here complaining about how it’s to hard and “I can’t do it”


Have you solo’d an M0 yet? That is where the fun REALLY starts :yellow_heart:


I have stopped doing it for a couple of weeks now, the reputaiton might be hte only thing worth it but meh

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The problem is that it should either be harder, or if I’ve already done it, I should be able to do something like a ‘boss rush’ version where I just do 5, 10, 15 and 20.

haha do it as a disc priest, takes me about 30 mins to complete it, but I still do it because i want to! lol crappy dps and no interrupt for those casters so it’s fun right!!


Awakening the Machine becomes a slog once you are just doing it for the mount and the mount hasn’t dropped in over 20 attempts…

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tbh didnt even know there was a mount in there, got it week 4 i think? Just doing the weeklies for the keys XD

It was harder, to the point where there’s these toolbox buff items you can use for it.

But yeah, by the time it actually came out, it’s a freakin’ joke.

I got the mount on like my 3rd try, and I only do it for the weekly now, nothing else.

It’s boring, because of how easy it is. (To me.)

Does disc have a fear you could throw out? Those dwarves with the beams I will often HoJ if my kick is down, and they despawn. Maybe Mind Control works too? I don’t know Priests, though.

It’s meant to be completeable by freshly leveled characters that have next to no gear.

On that subject, try doing it without any gear on. That should be challenging.

Three attempts? That’s some luck, and grats.

I wish this event had something new every few weeks, it’s kind of mind numbing getting the same set of waves over and over again.


Oh the mount is a random drop? I thought it was just something you got for completing it the first time. I never get lucky with mount drops, and usually takes years to get them! Cool!

select how many waves you wants at once. 1 wave? 2 wave? 5 wave? 10 wave? all 20 waves at once? woo lets crash PCs y’all!


That would be amazing.

I’m going for the enchanting recipe but I’m not that hopeful.

Just take Awakening the Machine as what it is. This is simple weekly event content, similar as the Theater or like DF events (Cooking, Dragonbane Keep, etc.).

The rewards are Veteran pieces and coffer keys only, so don’t worry to much about difficulty of an event, which is simply a weekly farm.