Awakening the Machine is to much easy

They should just cut out the first 10 waves and it’d be better.

fear works but MC will just turn it into pet and then u gotta release the pet and kill it if u want to finish the wave

this 10 waves is enough boredom

Me, finding out I have to wait out the 20 waves one at a time, every single time.


it is supposed to be content for everyone and some classes are harder than others in there
and if you want hard content why aren’t you doing any?

Errr, isn’t only weekly anyway?

Mainly just the rep and nothing else, is what I mean. No reason “for” me to really do it.

Not doing it for the loot, nor anything else it can give like coffer keys.

I think it can also drop cosmetics but not totally sure.

For the rewards it provides its too hard lol. Too much time spent for little rewards. Release all the waves at once and let me be done with it faster.

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use mind control/dominate mind if scream is off cd.

It can. I got a 3D back cog cosmetic.

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Add a gong that spawns all 20 waves at once, please.

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I could only do that in the last season of DF. Anyone doing it this season so far? Prolly not? But I agree with you it’s a good feeling

they will never ever make stuff harder for themselves. Everyone must join in even if we don’t want to!

So…like normal dungeons then? Should those be removed, as well?

Forum flexing

You’ve done nothing challenging in the game, if this is your main character, go enjoy some M+ or dive into normal/heroic/mythic raiding. It’s just meant to be a way to get a delve key.

Gotcha. Maybe you could use the pet to block the elec beam? Or get it killed while you stand it over the fire puddles? Lol

I don’t think it was ever meant to be super difficult. I think it’s there to teach people the basics.

It seems appropriately scaled for the loot you get, to me.

I like the content. I just have to remember to soak the laser beams and then grip mobs while tagging the proximity mine bots

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:

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I have to remember to use my hound when I’m in warlock, so it can silence the fire beams.

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