Awakened Weekly quest bugged

Just did it on my third character and got ilvl 350 reward…


You need to file a Bug Report.

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Submitted a ticket

It’s a bug. A GM would not be able to fix/change this for you.

Hello Bug Report.

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Same happened to me on my monk. My pally got the proper item level but my monk got 350 Ottuk hide vest.

Ticket worked fine. But they say “We are unable to offer a workaround from this end, so it will not be possible to upgrade, replace, or provide new gear. It will also not be possible to restart the quest within the same week.”. Which is a lie as you can reset the quest or send a in game mail with the correct item. Years ago was able to get a item mailed to me from a GM. So issue is not ability but they just don’t care anymore.

Yeah they took away customer service / GM rights to handle those things, so that they no longer have to handle those things, so that they save money on customer service reps. They are gambling that we will stay subbed despite worse customer service.

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Sad thing is they were giving out the proper cache This is how you can fix this mess of wrong ilvl gears user Nikisndrs This is how you can fix this mess of wrong ilvl gears - #3 by Nikisndrs-kelthuzad put in a ticket like I did and got it.

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