Average Heights - How do You Measure Up?

This seems to be a point of much interpretation. I’ve read a lot of TRPs over the years, where there would be a comment stating, “… So-n’-so is rather short for his/her race…” but the height listed in their details actually makes their character tall. Likewise for characters with comments about being tall for their race, but their listed height places them at ‘short’.

So where does your character actually stack up in comparison to the average? The average height for your character’s race is actually based off the in-game models.
Human Male: 6ft
Human Female: 5ft 7in
Night Elf Male: 7ft 2in
Night Elf Female: 6ft 8in

And so on.
I’ve included a handy-dandy height chart here, so feel free to see how your character should measure up to the set game models.
Enjoy! And happy RPing folks!



Siladryn is 5’4" so it looks like she’s right where she’s supposed to be :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I notice more and more elves are popping up super short for some reason, 4’8-4’9 and so on. I always find that amusing.

I typically stick with vague measurements when talking about height if I talk about it at all. Most commonly they’re either just average or described as being at some point higher or lower than the absolute center, since I almost never make characters who go far beyond that range.

The last time I used actual numbers I made sure to look up the supposedly official actual heights before dialing it in. That was with my Orc Warrior, Rekoga, as I wanted her being as tall as the guys as a quirk of hers. I don’t remember what the numbers were, and I’ll probably end up rewriting things at some point to be more in line with how I usually handle this these days.


Apparently, it was 6’8’‘, Rekoga is 6’8’'. I assume that’s still relatively accurate, based on what I wanted.

While the chart says the average human male height is 6’…

In Moon Guard the average human male height is more like 6’5". 6’ is like… Baseline. Which makes my 5’10 massively short >.<

There is clearly something in the water on this server.


I wanted Dloin to be tall for a dwarf and it seems I did right by having him be 4’10". Total shot in the dark on my part.

Since I wanted her to have a somewhat imposing stature and muscled build, Farai is of above average height for a Female Kaldorei without getting into extremely tall territory, matching the average Male height of 7’2". It seems just enough to get the point across at a glance without going overboard as so many often do.


Also, one thing that I did pretty recently was a layout with relative character-specific heights for a handful of my and my friends’ characters that was pretty neat. Human variations are the only option, but it’s neat because you can choose cutouts of different builds also.


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I usually just put ‘Average’ in my TRP, and if I am going with a taller or shorter character I am similarly vague.

Most of my characters are human around 4’11 to 5’4’'.

Halandor is a 6’2" Half-Elf, so I’d say about average.

With the height in Blender for a Blood Elf male being 6’ 2.75 in, and a Human male being 6’.

Saria is 5’10" which puts her at average height.

Which ironically is my real height. Women in my family grow to be tall. My 82 year old grandma is 6’2".

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I put 6’0" since it’s the average height for male humans in Azeroth.

The Pook is Gnome sized, and Gnome shaped.


Xan’s 5’11", just below average. My DK on the other hand, is like 6’5". Dude’s a tank. lol

Areva is short for a Kaldorei, only 6’3

A lot of my characters tend to stand at or below the average, though I do also want to add that the character models are not always accurate to canon heights. Zandalari and Tauren both are shorter than they should be because otherwise there would be a lot of doors they’d not fit through otherwise. They both stand at roughly 10’ on the masc side, with femmes standing a few inches shorter on average.

Dwarves are also weirdly shrunk compared to recent mentions in canon. I cannot remember which novel specifically (might’ve been one of the Traveler books), but it was mentioned that the average dwarf stands closer to 5’ tall instead of the ingame 4’.

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I’ve personally got Celassa standing at 6’9 for the memes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m 5’0’’ IRL, so I tend to play characters around my own height. Unless they happen to be taller races.

I wish there were more races around the Human/Blood Elf height.
Gnome, Goblin and Vulpera are too small, it’s hard to appreciate my transmog. Dwarves are fine but they’re more stout than I’d prefer and weirdly proportioned.

I wish we could get a race that’s like… human proportions, dwarf height. Bonus points if they don’t have hooves/paws so they can actually wear shoes, too :stuck_out_tongue:

Heya Coldren. I think this is where the ‘many interpretations’ aspect stems from. So in regards to cannon lore heights, in that case, where do you source this information from?
I still run, primarily, off the foundational lore info I started RPing with back in 2009, hence my use of this chart, which I found was in line with what I first learned about the various races.