Avenging Leap - The Fix for Paladin Mobility 10.0.7

I’d rather not have consecration tied to it so i’m not breaking saps and poly and blind and incap and reps with mobility

I don’t like the idea of leaping and would rather just have judgment give a speed boost again


Not even sure why it would have to replace Divine Steed. Heroic Leap doesn’t replace Charge.


Sounds like that one move from Diablo Immortal which would be awesome


To be fair, I would also rather not have consecration tied to avenging leap because I am not the biggest fan of this new consecration focus at all. But I am seriously trying to implement a replacement for divine steed that works with the dragonflight talent tree in mind. Since I also feel a good number of paladins are also not fans of this consecration focus, this was just me trying to help give it more appeal.

What I would much prefer would be something similar to how when we would press avenging wrath our next attack would be a guaranteed critical strike. Tie it to avenging leap so that when you land on an enemy, your next attack is a crit or when you land on an ally, your next heal is a crit. Would also solve the breaking CC problem and this could be the other linking talent point instead of applying consecration.

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I don’t think a leap ability fits into the class fantasy of the paladin. Instead maybe something like a shield charge but functions like a leap using a selected target area, and we can give it kinda a paladin flare like how about ( the paladin summons a shield of holy light and charges to the target location, all enemies in the path of the paladin takes a small amount of holy damage and when the paladin reaches the target area he slams the holy shield dealing some holy damage to all enemies with in 5 -8 yrds. Make it a 1 minute CD. )


I do not play much prot or holy these days, but speaking as a ret main, especially in pvp, it would be awesome and satisfying to press an instant gap closer.

Divine steed does seem a bit lame. It’s strange that blizzard would make a cinematic showing a paladin leaping when they can’t do it in game.


Divine steed has never made much sense. It makes sense that when a hunter uses aspect of the cheetah, they can’t sprint forever and that is why the buff should run off. But with divine steed, since paladins can summon their class mount anytime they want, why can I only summon my horse for 4 secs as a mobility cooldown before it leaves?


This change will not happen, new ability require a lot of work and resources. They have no real incentive to actually improve the class since they will get your money anyway.

They focus on projects that improve player retention, like time gating , new raids , new dungeons, etc…

Unfortunately ret Paladin players are too small a population to appease. More likely to make more profit investing resources for creating content all can enjoy.

Everything is profit driven.

The hopes would be that improving our classes over time is a gateway to improving player retention and thus more profit. Which is a good thing.

This change is also for all paladins not just ret. The choice node between divine steed and avenging leap is completely reasonable at this point. Especially after showcasing a paladin using this move in the cinematic.


It should absolutely not replace divine steed imo. Avenging leap or something in that realm is absolutely what paladin needs, but we need steed too.

In pvp, we have the single worst mobility out of any class. You can get slowed, stunned and knocked on steed, freedom can be purged/stolen. DKs have a much more advanced kit of mobility for what paladins niche is supposed to be (ie they can’t get slowed beneath 100%, deaths advance makes them immune to knocks/slows, etc).

In pve it feels a little better, but is still awful especially with cavalier competing in the class tree with throughput talents. 1 second divine steed talent is hilariously bad I can’t believe that made it to live.

We lost mobility coming into dragonflight, meanwhile the third new class in a row is a very mobile class lol. Mobility creep is catching up to paladin imo, especially in pvp. The last 3 classes they’ve added are extremely mobile (because mobility is fun!) and we have gained nothing, actually lost a few seconds on steed.

We definitely need 1 more button for mobility. Avenging leap is something I’ve really wanted for paladin recently as a way to easily get somewhere, but I don’t believe it should replace steed.

Edit: Also, they said they want paladins niche to be getting out of slows/getting others out of slows, yet holy paladins only have freedom for that and it is entirely purgeable in pvp. If that is going to be our niche then we need more of that, 1 ability does not define a niche that important.


they could just do the obvious and make freedom a movement CD as well…


They kind of did that with holy it just isn’t really noticeable. Echoing blessings is in our tree and got buffed to 15% up from what it was in SL. 15% move speed is kind of small though, I wish it were more like 30-40% move speed and then 15% for the damage reduction for sac/bop.

That also doesn’t solve the mobility issue in pvp which is where it is really a problem. Holy has no way of making freedom not purgeable like ret does, so most comps can just steal it/purge it/MD it.

I wouldn’t mind them making freedom a big movement spell though, I made suggestions during beta to just put unbound freedom (ret pvp talent) somewhere in the class tree. That would be an awesome thing to have in there. Double freedom if you cast on someone else (goes on you as well)+ 30% movement speed for both.


thats nice, but that doesn’t help anyone else but holy. I mean its nice holy has it but 15% might as well not exist.

everyone did, unfortunately blizzard isn’t competent enough to even use already implemented solutions that are obvious.


I’m aware that’s only for holy, I don’t think it is a solution at all even for holy itself.

We need improvements to divine steed+unbound freedom in the class tree. Going to make a thread about it, but that’s what I’d like to see.

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It seemed to me that most paladins do not enjoy divine steed and when I originally made this post, avenging leap was meant to act as a reboot for paladin mobility. But I know a fair amount of paladins do enjoy divine steed and I have updated my original post to add avenging leap in as a choice node with divine steed.

I understand that paladins have the worst mobility in the game but unfortunately that is by design. A world where paladins have avenging leap and divine steed would never happen, assuming we can get enough traction to add this ability. That is too much mobility and like you said, blizzard wants our niche to be getting out of slows.

The best realistic possible implementation I can see is adding avenging leap as a choice node competing against divine steed but adding unbound freedom to the general talent tree away from its current place in the pvp talents. Perhaps also buffing unbound freedom to a 50% movement speed increase to help supplement the loss of steed when choosing avenging leap. In an even more perfect world but definitely less likely, I would love to see unbound freedom enter the general paladin tree as a choice node with long arm of the law for all paladins.

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Bring back Speed of Light and make it a blink :upside_down_face:


I would very much like to see a quicker way to get to people because cavalier is a need or your too slow


As a long time paladin player I understand blizzard has essentially designed paladins to have weak mobility. And that was always with an understandable tradeoff for much of wow so far. Moving into dragonflight and beyond its finally an outdated design. Putting aside the benefits of what having an instant gap closer for paladin would bring for the class, imagining the fun of pressing avenging leap especially as ret would be insanely fun and satisfying. Modernizing the mobility fantasy for paladin now will do more good for the players and the game compared to its tradeoff of breaking the old design model.


It’s weird that ret is the only melee spec that doesn’t have the ability to instantly make it to the target