Avenging Leap - The Fix for Paladin Mobility 10.0.7

Avenging Leap - Call upon the light to leap to your enemy target at an attempt for reckoning, consecrating the ground beneath you upon landing or leap to your friendly target in an attempt for salvation, consecrating the ground beneath you upon landing.

25 yard range. 45 second cooldown. Only castable to a target.

New talent choice node alongside Divine Steed. The branching talent options when selecting Avenging Leap are for an additional charge of Avenging Leap and the other is to apply the consecration effect upon landing.

This is a top solution for paladin mobility. Hardly anyone enjoys divine steed. This feels appropriate thematically, would be a blast to press, benefits holy paladins to quickly gain max benefit from their mastery AND we have seen a paladin use a LEAP similar to this in the recent March of the Lich King Cinematic trailer for Hearthstone (which was epic).

Check out the video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVrPAhOR0kg]

Plus, this is FINALLY an instant gap closer for paladins (Ret) and is unique in relation to heroic leap/infernal strike with it only being usable to a target. Holy paladin mastery is generally not well-liked nor is this consecration focus for rets, Avenging Leap strengthens these designs and I say even gives them some appeal. Many talent options open up, especially for ret and give you a small utility boost - Leap/Consecrate to apply slows to enemies or Leap/Consecrate to free you/your allies of snares. Fortifying Blizzard’s goal for Retribution Paladins to "keep their strengths in removing things that hinder their mobility."

For class flavor you can even add in an animation for avenging wrath wings upon leaping just like Liadrin from the cinematic. :slightly_smiling_face:

To Blizzard, I hope you have seen all the feedback regarding paladins throughout dragonflight and I hope you are open to making reasonable talent tree ability/choice adjustments (not even just for Paladin) mid-expansion.

P.S. add in unbound freedom to the general Paladin talent tree somewhere to give a small movement speed increase to blessing of freedom. Then re-implement burden of guilt back into our general talent tree so that judgment applies our snare, also helping cut down on a good button bloat opportunity and this is a wrap on paladin mobility!

Edits: Added in the option for Avenging Leap to be a choice node alongside Divine Steed after feedback responses from paladins showing their enjoyment of the spell instead of a full replacement talent. Plus, the more choices the better. Added a link for the cinematic. Outlined the synergies between leaping/consecrating specifically for Ret. Updated for the 10.0.7 retribution rework to include burden of guilt within the P.S heading to offer an appropriate comprehensive, new and fresh take on paladin mobility. Consistent better refined ability details.


So what they gave the dragon people or just warrior’s intervene?

I’d much rather have my steed.


Just additional flavor so that it does not only leap to an enemy target. Paladins are not only a pure dps spec. They have protection and holy as well. This helps leap back quickly to an ally as prot if needed and for holy helps to leap to a friendly target to instantly gain the max benefit of their mastery.

I just want the option to replace horse with speed of light as a glyph or bring back the pursuit of justice sprint tied to judgment. Paladins dont need to be adhd demon hunters sliding all over the place, but holy and retribution need a lot of help with mobility (prot mobility is an entirely different disaster, being shackled to consecrate).


I am glad that you prefer your divine steed. However, it seems like you are in the minority. I of course would hate to remove an ability that some paladin players enjoy, so perhaps keeping divine steed as a choice node with avenging leap is fair.


Just because the people complaining about it make more noise doesn’t make it the majority.


To be fair, it is hard to know how the majority of paladin players actually feel about divine steed. For now it seems like there is at least a vocal amount of paladin players who do not like divine steed, me included. I see threads once a week complaining in some way or another about divine steed, ret mobility or paladin mobility. Sometimes the ones complaining specifically about divine steed have had more than 50 likes.

Right now, paladin mobility as a baseline is an issue to the majority of paladin players. Chances are it will also relate to divine steed in some shape or form. I can speak to the previous forum posts, ret paladin youtubers like savix and lvladen, myself, wife and even dad.

If we were to bet, I would say this issue is not in the minority.


That AOE move you guys get in the bottom right of the Ret tree that’s on a 1 minute CD that explodes. The Paladin should leap into the air, land where the cursor is, drop a fat consecrate and do some big boy AOE damage on top of what it normally does.

BUT. It gives you forbearance.

After that I never wanna hear another ret pally complain again about anything.


I think you are on to something with this one.


Which means absolutely nothing in terms of determining which side is majority or minority. Most threads on this forums is used for 1 thing, complaining.

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You get bonus points with the light if you time your Shield of Vengeance explosion with the drop.

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Continuing reading the rest of my response for more information that could mean something.

I read all of it before I wrote mine. Your entire response is based off of your logic of more noise = majority.

I’d much rather have Divine Steed be viable and functional. But it shouldn’t be the only movement ability. Every other class has multiples.

Wanna know what’s much simpler, Falling Sword and I’ve been asking for it for nearly a decade now.


I feel like paladin mobility wouldn’t even require much to fix it

  1. horse off gcd and unable to be snared
  2. unbound freedom extra MS baked into blessing of freedom
    Optional 3) glyph to make horse to be just a speed boost with a huge trail of light or something.

If this is your argument, that because we cannot know if the majority of paladins would choose a leap over divine steed so then there is no point in bringing up feedback and points of view, fair enough.

I do not like it and other paladins do not also. I would choose avenging leap over divine steed. I’m curious how other paladins feel and what their ideas would be to change it if they dislike divine steed. Especially in serious ways that work class-wide for a paladin.


Knowing how bliz like to rip off cross game concepts, the most likely scenerio is a falling sword style ability like diablo 3 has.

Paladin is already so similar to Crusader that its not much of a stretch.

This; Launches the Crusader into the heavens and comes crashing down on enemies


Been saying it for years. Just take Holy Prism as it is now, combine it with the animation of D3 Crusader’s spell Falling Sword.

Targeting an enemy will cause you to crash down at its location, dealing damage to the enemy and splash healing nearby allies. Targeting an ally will cause you to crash down at its location, healing it and dealing splash damage to nearby enemies.

Put the new and improved Holy Prism in place of Obduracy in the class tree.


I really enjoy this idea too. Out of all the options out there to replace divine steed, either my idea of avenging leap or a teleport/crashing down animation would thematically feel the best for all paladin specs.

The splash healing/damage effect is good flavor too. Something like this or if we are going to continue to go down the road of using consecration throughout dragonflight then a consecration effect is appropriate too.

Put either one of these ability ideas in place of divine steed, add momentary avenging wrath wings to the leap or crash down animation and it’s ready to ship.

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