Avatar Gone

About an hour ago, a player asked in ZM General Chat why his avatar (upper left corner of the screen) disappeared. I felt bad for the guy but none of us in chat could help him fix it. I suggested resetting UI. He said that didn’t work. Just now, while in the Gardens area, my avatar disappeared from the screen too. This makes the game unplayable because you can’t see your health bar. I was about to say something in ZM General but that ability is gone now too. I had to /Y to say anything. Something is very wrong.

Anyone else?


Had this happen TWICE last night to me and a friend. If you completely exit out of the game and re-enter it seems to fix it but then later on that night it happened again and we ended up just Focusing ourselves and moving the window up where our health/mana plate normally is as a temp solution since we didn’t feel like exiting the game entirely again if it was just going to happen again later.

Seriously the ZM patch bugs are getting old fast. Been dealing with the mouse snapping to center of screen bug since 9.2 dropped.


i had this issue yesterday as well, thankfully a /reload ui fixed it, hopefully this helps others without having to exit all the way out of the game


This happened to me and my quest partner in ZM last night, too. Not sure what triggered it. /reload fixed it for me, as well. I use raid style party frames, which are not affected, so I could still see my raid frame, just not my portrait.

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Happens to me too. Tends to disappear after solving a puzzle chest and returning to the world. Also happens after leaving a raid group for the ZM world boss and returning to my phase again. Two characters same thing.

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Had this happen earlier tonight. Did a full UI reset and that didn’t resolve the issue as it happened again afterwards with the stock UI only. Had renamed the WTF and Interface folders adding old, and deleted the Cache folder. This started happening when 9.2 launched.

This is happening to me as well but only on one character.

This keeps happening on all toons. I noticed today that it happened after each of two different toons did the puzzle WQ in ZM.

I had this happen today too, but /reload fixed it

Also in place of my avatar and health bar, it displayed my hunter pet which was odd.

Bumping. This happens every time I do a puzzle cache.

Also, to be clear, it’s not just the portrait, it’s also the health and mana bar gone. That whole window disappears when you do a cache.


Yes, It’s happened to me the last two days and it’s getting very frustrating.
It seems to be triggered when I’m in a party/group. My guildie had the exact same thing happen to her tonight at the exact same time as me when we were in a guild party doing ZM world quests.
Edit: Not just this character, happened on my Warlock too the other day.
The WoW Retail version that is.


Happening to me as well on several characters. I just logout and back in to fix.

Blizzard need to fix, please.


Happening to my toons as well. Not only after puzzles, but during some kills as well. Too random to pinpoint why this is happening.

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Still happening! Is anyone working on this?

I can confirm at least that if you do a cache quest (like the one you do after unlocking cachial understanding) or world quest it will always seem to happen and you have to type /reload to get your avatar pane back.

It’s been happening to me since last game update. Very annoying.

Happening to me as well. It’s very annoying.

This for me. Logging off/on solves it until the next puzzle.

Bump. Still happening for me too, on multiple characters. So far, a /reload cures it, but it’s annoying.

Happens a lot if I use Mind Vision or Mind Control. Like Lindariel said, a quick /console reloadui fixes it, but…why is every third thing this patch broken?