Available PvP titles due to starting at 0 rating

Part of the problem was lack of play testing with all these changes. TBCC was no where near ready to be released, yet shareholder pressure and quarterly bumps were more important than releasing a well polished game. Literally none of these changes were extensively tested, just implemented on the fly.


its tracking teams all the way too 1360 rating there is definitely teams lower than that, wonder why they are not counting in the pool

Yeah I quit the first time around at wotlk release so I’m tempted to try the raids but if the playerbase dips a lot or they can’t manage to make pvp interesting enough to draw numbers in I don’t know. I really only played wow originally because of pvp, though I did end up loving the world and raiding. I’m not sure how long I would be interested without it.

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Then you look at 2v2 with is nothing but the most overpowered broken comps. Pretty much no variety. The exact reason why REMOVED 2v2 getting titles in WOTLK.

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God this tbcc pvp rating system is an abomination, it’s NOT like wrath it’s NOT like tbc, it’s some intern developer made mess. If you make teams start at 0 after they play 10 games of course they should count towards the pool. If you go to internet archive and go to the old armory you’ll see there’s MORE ppl getting glad in the biggest BATTLEGROUP than now in an ENTIRE REGION. Kekw


The changes made to rated PvP seem kind of strange and uncalled for, I feel like some of the stuff they do here is done simply to test us to see how people react so they can decide on further changes in retail. That is of course just a gut feeling, there isn’t any hard proof of that yet.


I think it was Cata when they removed it, but actually in Wrath 2v2 has much more variety. Wrath has much more variety in general.

With as many layoffs as they had and all that business i assume some people have come up with these ideas that are “better” than original TBC just to justify their position. Why are they needed if they’re just implementing how everything used to be? Short answer, they’re probably not but by creating problems they’re available to fix their mess.



If this system isnt accounting for all the people that just play for fun with friends and sit around 1300-1500 range we have a bigger problem I think than people realize. Its A LOT of people and teams imho. Why reduce bracket sizes because some people participating arent really competing?

Good games last week btw I recognize the name.

IMO if they don’t screw it up T8 is worth doing Wrath for, Naxx at 80 is a joke, it’s easier than doing Stratholme at level 70 in a group of 5.

Wrath PvP is decent, tho it’s good to know that DK’s are absolutely crazy overtuned in Wrath. Just imagine a Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Warlock and Ret Paladin all merged into a single class, that’s basically Wrath DK.

The PvP is still fun, I don’t like what DK did to the caster part of the game; everything going forward is instant cast because everyone has kick, and blizzard built it that way. Also the PvE meta is nearly all AE, like AE on everything.

Show Black Protodrake mount plx
Or at least he Plagued Protodrake.

Would like some type of resolution to this issue before the season is over.

I wonder if the in-game ladder system they implement will be a) released before the end of season 1 and b) accurately and correctly display the range of rating for titles.

Seems like the most logical thing to do.

It’s not a bug, it’s them manipulating the statistics to hide how terrible their changes were. If they included everyone, it would show that 90% of the player base has a <1500 rating, meaning that starting everyone at 0 instead of 1500 created a much lower average ranking. Couple this fact with the new rating requirements for S1 and S2, and it’s obvious that these changes took arena gear out of the hands of average PvP players that would have earned it in the original TBC system.

They are covering their tracks to hide how badly they f’d over the average pvper with their stupid retail bullsit.


just picture a palpatineesque balding streamer on a voice chat with an intern happy to be getting solo work dictating the future of tbc pvp for his viewers to enjoy his eliteness by barriering entry by anyone who can do cost/time math.

Only in early Wrath.

Wait till they get the legendary Axe, I assure you everyone will have it.

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Hopefully blizzard addresses this issue

Wait wait wait… so now streamers are not only influencing design decisions with obvious negative consequences, they are taking up multiple spots on a limited ladder for awards with their alts?

Talk about streamer privilege. This damages the game a thousand times more than other complaints I’ve heard. I’d be livid if I was a pvp focused player. Shame. They have all this “GL HF pledge, play kind!” Stuff they spew, and then do this to people. Haha.

Youd be surprised how many of the slots are taken up by alts of tournament players and streamers.

I already know of 1 rogue who had 3 rank 1 slots with 3 different mages with the same 2 other partners. I also know a guy with 4 warriors which are all in Gladiator range with the same druid partner.

This is nothing new though. Was the same back in TBC. Many people would transfer to multiple battlegroups with their alts to take rank 1 from everyone.