The stench of premade entitlement is thick with some.


Guys, don’t argue with them from the position that OP was a bad leader over whether bad leaders deserve to get kicked or not.

The idea that OP was a bad leader is one they’ve pulled out of thin air that doesn’t have any support from OP’s post itself. That OP didn’t want to get tons of raid warnings is not evidence in the slightest he did anything wrong.

The few people in this thread defending the abuse of the report system are trying to make nonsense up to support their unsupportable position. Don’t fall for it. OP did nothing wrong, was reported by abusive players, and got punished by an automated system.

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No one said this. We have no idea what OP was doing other than him saying “Everything was fine”

There was a reason people like me said right click report should not be in game for classic.
This is the type of thing that happens.


Um, what would you call this:

You’re the worst offender in this thread. If OP was fine why are you defending the practice?

We don’t know that OP was fine. We only have his side of the story. You have no idea what happened in that AV.

I am posting based on the information I have. Yes OP was threatened, (maybe we have no real idea just OP’s word). We have no idea how many times he was asked. There is so much missing and everyone here is just defending him because “ALLIANCE PREMADES BAD LUL”

You believe someone will open with a threat, but don’t believe that someone was asked multiple times beforehand?

Abusing squelch reports should be an instant 3-6month ban for anyone who participated. It would quickly resolve the issue.


This is exactly the kind of misinformation, I’m talking about. As far as I can tell, it’s not “everyone”. Personally, I would have just passed the Leader Role, however it gives this idea that abusing the Silence System, in order to partake in bullying tactics, in order for the Leader Role to be passed onto Pre-Mades is something I do no support/stand behind. This is a much bigger issue than somebody simply not passing the Leader Role.

I’m glad you have an issue with my using the word everyone like I actually meant literally everyone in this thread. :+1:

Say it again.
He may give you an answer the fourth time.

Good idea. Thank you for the suggestion.

Hop to it.

Just weeding out the lies, from the truth.

They should just make it so you can 40 man premade AV.
Premade issue for AV solved.

You’re not the boss of me.

And I’m not giving you raid lead.


#1 You’re on MY payroll so I am the boss of you.
#2 Don’t care about raid lead.
Level up.

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Thank Heysoos I rerolled horde. Alliance abusing other alliance players. You don’t see this on horde side.

You’ve already exposed yourself with this post:

You can’t suddenly turn around and plead “oh we don’t have all the facts” when you already went all-in on the “OP was griefing” point.

If you’d like to admit you were wrong in that post, and you flamed OP without having all the facts, go right ahead.

Further, you seem to be assuming that the other side of the story has OP doing something bad to deserve what he got, which is a pretty bad assumption in the first instance, but furthermore, we’ve seen reports of this kind of conduct from premades constantly throughout the past few weeks.

OP’s case is not unique. We KNOW the series of facts he described happens without people like OP doing anything wrong. There have been huge threads about how to sneak into a premade’s BG for quick wins, with premade players telling others to stop sharing that info because they will work to ban those people.

So to your statement: “You believe someone will open with a threat, but don’t believe that someone was asked multiple times beforehand?” I answer, yes, in the current environment, I KNOW people do open with threats and report/ban just as quickly.


You replied to him.

Not saying your in the wrong here, you were put in a position where you didn’t know that what would it happen. The Next time some unhinged report abusing angry man whispers you, raging at you, threatening to abuse reporting you to get silenced, the worse possible action to take is to reply back to them, even if it’s a levelheaded response.

It’s really poop that people does this, and i hope theirs repercussions for doing report abusing, like IP/Software Bans.

Honestly, RCR shouldn’t even need to be in WoW period, not just Classic.

I disagree with OP not passing lead because there was someone who obviously wanted to lead and coordinate the group. However, that’s not the point this type of behavior is disgusting and people shouldn’t get punished for getting mass reported. Imagine the people trying to get to rank 14, a group of people mass reports you to prevent you from playing the game in order to get ahead of you. The only thing that mass reports should do is flag that person for review.