Hangon… why should the OP pass lead? Who died and gave the whispering dude entitlement to lead the raid?

They can ask, but they have no right to force him to do so.

If a GM was sitting there looking out for infractions they would not force a lead change.

“I don’t want to” is a perfectly valid reason for not passing lead.


We weren’t talking about what’s fun. We were talking about what ruins your life.

Nobody is obligated to do your bidding in a BG where lead is assigned randomly by the game.

The report system is not a “tool” for taking lead in a BG.


Gotcha - so people should just deal with anything in-game that doesn’t ruin their life.

Having your account hacked by Chinese gold sellers probably won’t ruin your life either.


I think your crankiness about the OP’s unwillingness to pass lead was unwarrented. It’s random assigned. People get to do whatever they want. What happened to him is indication that the group didn’t deserve to be respected anyway. They could have nicely asked him for lead and explained why they wanted it. Chose to demand it… That deserves a solid NO.


It kind of is until they give players a real tool to take it’s place. Maybe if the horde complain more about how the alliance pugs are being slighted we might get one?

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You spelt “people should be less hyperbolic” oddly.

It’s really not. Using it to boot people offline is painfully obvious abuse. You do it, don’t you? Or you wouldn’t be defending it.


Not even once. Try again.

Why would a tool be given to enable people to forcibly take leader?

Some bewildering responses to this thread.


Again, you didn’t answer my question.

I don’t believe you /shrug

Keep defending blatant abuse of game systems to kick people offline because they won’t do your bidding.


Called it.


Well, it’s as close as some can do, short of living near you and actually physically being involved, in your life, in order to ruin it. Even your attempt to create a nonsensical argument, about my wording choice, I consider trying to get under my skin or create an unsettling environment, for me, to even post around here, as “ruining my life”. Of course, I’m using that, metaphorically. Are you actually ruining my life? No, but you sure as heck are making a great effort, in order to be as unpleasant as possible, in my life, in this moment, in time.


OP should have passed lead to a random player not asking for lead, and tell the guy asking “I passed it to you, now let’s get the win”

A petty response for a petty request.

Then why are you in here other than to troll and tear down the OP?

I notice your also in my thread about harassment by premades and super-serious PVPers with similarly unhelpful advice about hardening up or something similar.


Do you always make really negative assumptions about messages people type to you on game forums?

I might have identified one of your problems.

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You noticed me?

Aw, shucks.

So just playing Devil’s advocate here.

You are in an AV with 39 other players. Those 39 other players want a specific person as lead. They ask for lead, and based on your post the first time did not have a threat in it. You refuse to pass lead, not because you are a better lead, but because of a wholly personal reason. You did not want raid warnings on “your” screen.

They ask you again, giving you the opportunity to make a decision that not based on what “you” want but what the other 39 people in the BG want.

You decline again, so the 39 people use the only tool available to them to get you to pass lead.

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What was it you said in that AV horde cave thread? Oh yea…

We all know OP is a spoiled brat. And i’m not arguing with you that they shouldn’t have threatened him. They wanted lead. They used the tools they had available to them to get it. Obviously the majority of players in that instance felt the same way.

Player solution to a player problem.

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If you want the tools to kick people who’s attitudes you find poor, or who are non-compliant…retail has those features. Just because you don’t get what you want in a battleground does not justify, nor does it give you the right to abuse automated systems in order to achieve your goal.