AV que times getting into 2hrs?

The horde asked for this. Are you not happy? Perhaps the horde should be more careful what it wishes for.

Of course but the overall trend towards higher queue times still applies and will continue to, sad to say.

A tough, well-balanced AV is really fun, I enjoyed them all throughout early and mid vanilla, and would do them often for no reason.

Would like to get back to that.

That is a good idea and would not take much code to make it work if they left the models the same, just have to switch up the NPCs based on the 50/50 (would just be a location change). Maybe couple other minor things.

Will not happen, of course, the most ActiBlizz will do is maybe move the cave back as others have mentioned, since it happened in TBC times. Still, that is the right way to do it when you have a non-symmetric map.

ssh PVErs shouldn’t open their mouth on threads like this. We get it, someone ganked you once and you hide in your 15 year old toy game.

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shush PVEr. go back to your toy game and discuss loot for BWL

Nope I was fine with you guys having a premade, pally pulls were what I didn’t like.

You got what you wanted- fewer premades means they’ve moved to WSG, so you got rid of those players as you wanted to.

More devastating losses and longer games means those playing on Ally are out of queue longer, and thus make queues for Horde longer- as Horde wants with their turtle fetish.

The pandering to the Horde with the recent patch means more Alliance are giving up on pvp once they hit exalted- so again, you got fewer Alliance in the queue, as you wanted.

See, Hordies agree- they love pvp so much in this game that they celebrate only having to do it for half an hour or so with a two hour break in between!

Imagine hating pvp that much.


More and more alliance get exalted rep, and wont do pvp… Horde also cant open extra empty BGs anymore… As far as i know the organiced alliance teams is very healthy, having very high win ratio…

Two hours, i hope you guys are happy crying for changes :woman_shrugging:

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Qeues are back to one hour after game ended.

How messed up is the Alliance? Answer right here guys: wanting to defend in PVP is deviant behavior for them.

And they cry about racial, map and population balance.

Pro tip: if you actually start trying to win AV games, you’ll — win more often. Stop hating your pugs so much. Stop screaming at defenders.

When you start matches 40v15 and still turtle literally every match to drive it to 40 min you have an obsession with turtling.

When Horde has attacked the AS and has a solid offense, and someone tags the IBGY in the hopes of getting some LT honour so they all recall and the match goes back to the field of strife since you’ve utterly given up on offense entirely- you have an obsession with turtling.

And when you have only five people on offense for the first 20 minutes of a game- well, you get the picture.

It’s quite literally the only thing Horde ever does.


You aren’t making any sense at all.

AV is a PVE BG.
WTF are you even talking about?
Majority of the honor comes from PVE mobs.

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Then I assume you’d be totally fine if starting positions were randomized in AV?

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You complained about premades non stop. You actually think alliance pugs had a chance at winning if the game started with a full 40 pugs? Lol

You and the horde are the cause of this current miserable state.

Not at all. We just get honor for every 30min if we win.

Nope once again. We get honor for every tower that stays up at game end.

That’s 3 times you’re wrong. We defend hard because its more honor that way when ally are desperately trying to avoid PVP and because FWGY and FW Keep are a joke. Unlike Dun Baldar.

Man! this is an education for you!


Exhibit A, guys. This is why.

Vann is a ??? Elite boss target.
Are you dumb? AV is a PVE BG.
That would mean you need 6-9% hit and 17% spellhit to efficiently burn Vann.

All wrong. You turtle cause your queues are an hour long so you try your hardest to extend your games cause that gives you max honor per hour

The opposite is true for alliance. They get instant queues so they try their hardest to end the match fast so they can requeue for another game. This is how alliance get max honor.

Flip the queue times and horde would no longer turtle and alliance would turtle.

Has zero to do with skill and everything to do with max honor per hour. Why do horde have queues? Cause they have pvp racials that attract a majority of pvpers

So you could say the root cause of all these problems are the OP horde racials


If 40 Allies and 80 Horde queue, and the match lasts 15 min, then the queue for the next group of 40 Horde is 15 min.

If the match lasts 40 min, it’s 40 min.

There’s your education, learn anything kid? Horde have chosen these queues, you did so when you spat ‘reroll or quit’ in every thread for months in the hopes of lowering the population of the players that’d face you in BGs. And now you choose to make your queues longer by embracing the meta that guarantees they will get longer.

I know numbers are scary to Horde players, hopefully I didn’t get too technical for you.


Funny how this existed during BC, but came into Classic…

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