AV PreMade Sniping

Have a strong feeling they’re just reverting a situation they dealt with elsewhere.

Seriously, its why i left “a certain Discord”, the Incel energy from a lot of people there was through the roof.


Modern problems require modern solutions.

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Every dog has his day.


Hopefully you aren’t surprised by this. It is totally a sad day this would happen but not out of the ordinary.

I know a friend who’s been doing this since people slowed down qing making it very difficult to play.

Wouldn’t say surprised, but i had unconsciously forgot about the fact these people exists ever since i stopped taking the game seriously after MoP.

Like i got nothing against rankers who do it for the practical aspect of it, or hell even for the vanity. But this is next level.


Its gamers in general. People will spend hours stuck in LoL games just trolling people. There are no consequences to being a jerk online. If you acted this way face to face at something like an arcade you would get punched in the face pretty fast.

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Another glaring example of why the discord premades need to be fixed.

This is sickening.


Honor mafias at it’s finest…ROFL


lmaoo good someone should make a disc and have people pay monthly to be in a premade… then and only then will blizz have the stones to tell its fan base whats good… theres is 0 muscle over there at blizzard head quarters… all blizz wants is money… so maybe if we take a little bit of their profit theyll get off their rumps and DO SOMETHING…


There’s a massive difference between this and your example tho, acting like a butt in a LoL game is a 40-50 minutes endeavor.

Locking high ranks is literally a full time job worth of time, at minimum. Just for the sake of spiting other people. Its literally self-destructive behavior for the sake of locking people out of a video game reward.

As i said, that’s next level.


If you don’t stop, something e-bad might happen to your e-character. That’s not an e-threat, it’s a e-promise.


The gear is basically equivalent to BWL gear, inferior to AQ gear, and destroyed by Naxx. It’s only your “best option” for offspecs like Shadow, Arms, etc. Even then, AQ has you covered mostly.

It’s not worth paying for when you can just wait for the better stuff in another phase.

Thanks for spreading the word of this though. Knowledge is power.


No its not exactly the same thing but the idea of spending your time to just ruin others isn’t new. If this is actually happening… yea that is next level.

I don’t understand this obsession with ranking but I was only ever rank 4 in vanilla. Its just a bad system.

Would everyone please up-vote this post.


:rofl: :rofl:

No breach of forum ToS. Sucks to suck.


Actually you sound like a hard core premade player who is trying to keep shutting out casuals and those that refuse to PAY MONEY to get into a premade.


The irony is, this likely wouldn’t have really been posted had you not created your other post whining about it in the first place. :rofl:


I agree entirely and is a good point. It does seem many peeps are gunning for the gear currently though, at the least they may try to profit from the hype before better gear is dropped.

Report the post for what exactly? What’s the matter, are you the elitist jerk to whom he is referring? Horde have been complaining about Alliance premades since AV came out…now it seems many Alliance players don’t like it either. Quite simply, if you’re not one of the “cool kids” then not only can you not rank up but your own faction will do their level best to screw you over in order to get the “cool kids” into their AV.