AV PreMade Sniping

Against the wall? I do it daily when avoiding Ally coming in to try and wipe us.

Yeah, the NPCs are harder to reach for turn in’s in this case; they also can’t just be run straight past to zerg into a base with 0 NPCs inside of it.

Show me how I can pally bubble pull and jump off a waterfall. Show me how I can jump right over the wall of your base, and zerg into the main area without fighting NPCs or having archers lay into me from the halfway point on.

There are countless imbalances on both sides.

This thread has some fun facts. And Tom Chilton confirmed 70-80% Ally win rates in vanilla.

It seems you can’t overcome them without exploiting though, even though Ally did constantly throughout vanilla.

My main concern isn’t balance, however. It is a group of individuals that are hampering the experience of players on both factions for their own self interest.