Gotta be honest, past couple of days, I haven’t played a single AV. Just not worth it with 1 hour queues. 15-30 minute queues are bearable, I can find something to do in game. 1 hour is just too long for me to even find it worth queuing for…
They’re not going to alter the starting caves, because this is how it was in vanilla. It’s authentic.
Yes it does. Because “slightly” “overall” “not every alliance player” (which implies some) and “not always”
really adds up over an hour long game on a large scale of 40vs40.
Enjoy your losses every time, Alliance.
Classy, Starya.
I’ll dip in to say this: There is essentially no difference in skill between your typical Alliance player and your typical Horde player. Most people are mediocre players, regardless of faction.
The reason the Alliance dominated in vanilla wasn’t because the map favoured the Alliance or the Alliance were more skilled. It was because the Alliance had more active raiders at the time, and thus a massive gear advantage. Even MC epics grossly outperform dungeon/quest blues.
And the reason the Horde win now isn’t because they got better or the Alliance got worse. It’s just that both factions have ready access to raid gear, and the Alliance no longer have a large gear advantage that offsets (and then some) the map advantage the Horde have.
Gear > Map Balance > Player Skill. As a general rule.
How about just release Original AV
This might be a factor but it was probably because alliance overpopped horde, giving horde an instant queue which never incentivized drawing out a game( this would really only be the case after CRBG) . You also have to consider the map was probably played much differently with all the NPCs in the original versions of AV.
AV is still all kinds of F’d up, it’s terrible! It’s like a bad Groundhog Day over and over and over. Every single game is the same…allies get SH or SF or IB, Horde comes and takes it away at some point turtling everything. Allies fight at SH for ten mins getting nowhere, Horde comes to SPGY, we fight there for ten minutes. Horde backs off and summons Lok and the @%@# birds. Come back and push to the SP flag and take it, putting us in the cave. Vain attempts at regaining SPGY occur, while some try heading south and get ganked at SH unless they’re stealthed. Some LTS are done. Wallow around picking off horde here/there and it ends. Next game, same @@$$#. How does anyone stand playing this on Alliance side?? I cannot STAND it!!! HATE it with a passion!
When? Back in 1.5?
No one really had an instant queue after the 1st week.
Most people rolled into AV, got jacked up severely by an abundance of raid type NPC’s, said Oh the hell with this, not worth it, and it quickly became a matter of
Spamming chat to find people willing to queue up for AV, then sending an emissary (lev 1 alt) to the other faction and try to get them to get enough people to also queue up.
And then you would most times be in that AV for a number of hours, or longer, and not because anyone was dragging it out, it is just how AV was.
Even a total steamroll, which did not happen a lot because the only people queuing for AV were those who really liked it, took you a good 45min to an hour.
You didnt just saddle up and roll to drek/van, because the more objectives etc you left undone, basically the stronger a fight he was going to be.
Overpop did not matter, the majority actually did not like 1.5 era AV at all.
It has the worlds absolutely worst honor gains for time spent.
People were not spamming the AV queue, that was WSG.
It was played entirely differently, like it was a different game completely.
After it went through so many nerfs that ruined it for those that actually liked the original AV, we went to playing AB, because one can only take so much shoebox WSG.
I’m sitting at the hospital son has surgery today and laughing my a$$ off at this post. Thanks!
Bump. AV needs to be fixed ASAP