AV Map needs changing (coming from a Horde player)

Changes will come as queues get longer. Everybody expects fewer alliance to queue up after most people and their alts reach exalted.

When queues start reaching the 2+ hour range, AV will become unplayable.

Heck, I’ve already mostly stopped queuing for it and have just been playing WSG lately. That’s why I’d like to see some changes. Incentives for alliance to queue would be a positive.

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The boycott was due to alliance getting no bonus honor and that was only possible because of the horde cave location including it being so close to iceblood graveyard. If you think that isn’t possible, and happening, now, you’re in denial.


Cool, while you’re making changes fix it so that the Alliance can’t bypass the whole horde base and defences and go straight to Drek.

Huh? Alliance should be able to go straight to Vann. He’s their general.

Horde base is only easier if alliance don’t do what horde do and aggro NPCs that are totally avoidable.

Horde base can be completely bypassed through the back door through terrain exploits and jumping off strategically placed mounds of snow.

Map design in AV classic has always been Alliance favoured, it’s just that modern Alliance have a persecution complex and need to throw a pity party about the mean old devs favouring the horde, even when it’s blatantly not true.

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Oh backdoors? There are two into alliance keep. They are used in virtually every AV I have played. How often are alliance using the backdoor to horde keep? How often are alliance even getting to the horde keep? When I stopped playing AV, I had not seen the horde keep since the first week it was released except a rare occasion here or there that we slipped past in numbers too small to make a difference.


LMAO @ comparing the hut skip to bridge skip
One of them bypasses two towers, the other brings you to the actual choke


Ah, yet more revisionist history. :roll_eyes:

Not really, the boycott happened after reinforcements because when horde used their map advantage they had a nearly 100% win rate.

That’s exactly what you are doing while using that same phrase to attempt to discredit anyone with a different take on the AV map changes.

Alliance didn’t boycott because they lost 100 reinforcements on Bal. they boycotted because they were getting no bonus honor. You are trying to put a different spin on history to avoid that very real truth. :roll_eyes:


The reason this happens is that south of IBGY nothing is defensible. Our base is a joke compared to yours.

  1. you can run into the tower rooms, los all the archers and cap flag no problem
  2. our recall spot is far away from the rh flag and if we recall we die far away from being able to interrupt flag caps / recap rh flag. when we die, we spawn at the cave which is really far away from our base
  3. fwgy and rh are complete jokes in terms of defensibility
  4. our NPCs do not aggro while every one of yours does if you come close to them.
  5. pally pull drek cheese
  6. you don’t even need to walljump to get to our base when you can just ride up the snowbank and jump into it.

We’re not recalling to spite you of honor, we’re recalling because through loss after bitter loss, we’ve realised that if ibgy is gone, we’re in big big trouble. Nothing south of that is defensible.

Why backdoor when you can ride all the way to relief hut flag without aggroing a single NPC ?

It’s not the map.

It’s the bots that were born from instant que timers.

The least number of bots that I could confirm are bots that I’ve seen in an AV on alliance side is 10, the most is 17.

That’s at best 25% of the alliance as non players. That’s what is causing the losses for allies. Not the map. Sure the map could be a factor (which doesn’t make sense since in vanilla allies won most of the time) but a Much larger contribution to the losses is most definitely the bot infestation.


its true. think about it. how is Horde able to push to the flag and take it when our closest graveyard is ibgy ? The only reason is that the alliance is outnumbered which is why even though 10 rez every 30 seconds and are immediately able to defend the flag, we can even come close to the flag.

bots and afkers are a huge huge disadvantage for alliance – I’ve seen ally r12s lie down on the roof of the house next to shgy and soak up the honor. Not only is that a dick move, its so demoralising.

Hordeside, people report bots all the time after we’ve all waited at least an hour for our queue.

Adapted to the drek cheese? You.mean crying untIl premades were nerfed?

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Name checks out.

Just because horde haven’t figured out how to avoid NPCs as well as alliance have doesn’t make for imbalance. For years I’ve watched horde pull NPCs that were totally avoidable and then cry about the NPCs in the alliance keep.

Alliance also aggro avoidable NPCs. They just don’t blame it on some imaginary imbalance.


Our base npcs are not even remotely close to drek, and there is no risk riding through our entire base to the gy flag. Your attempt at false equivalence between the base npcs is outrageous.

Your inability to acknowledge that NPCs inside alliance keep are avoidable speaks volumes. Alliance aggro plenty of avoidable NPCs too. I just don’t see them use that as an excuse like horde do.


Your inability to acknowledge the difference in literal proximity of the npcs in each base speaks volumes about your lack of good faith argument.

One fear bomb upon recall in horde base aggros nothing. One fear bomb upon recall in alliance base can aggro ALL of the NPCs.

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