AV is toxic to the game

I was so hyped to play classic wow. I’ve been a competitive PvPer since TBC and played nearly every expansion.

Is this state of the game how PvP was intended? PvE’ing or AFKking the cave in AV to get BiS PvP gear? You don’t even have to capture any objectives on the map or engage in actual PvP. Any respectable PvPer can see that this is the worst iteration of PvP in the history of WoW, and by a large margin.

It’s pretty sad considering how much time some of us have put into classic with high hopes.

It seems an easy solution is to at least make WSG//AB give equal if not MORE honor than the sh*t show that is Alterac Valley. Please god fix this.

inb4 hurr durr #nOcHaNgEs. There’s already been changes. Wake up.


It’s pretty boring, everyone rushes general, skips all pvp. Balinda and whatever horde equivalent is are the only two fights people bother.

Reverting to an earlier version of AV could fix this, but who knows. People might just be able to zerg that too

Great. And you want more? When does it end? When classic has transmog? Or LFG?

The game will not be made around your opinions. You are one drop in the ocean. If everyone’s one change was added, we would have retail. No thanks.


Everyone on these forums are toxic to the game.

Abolish the forums.


people are stupid. you get more honor for playing the game way it was intended to play but people are close minded and bad at math so it doesn’t matter. they will continue to do what they think is best and whats easiest for them to grind because they don’t actually enjoy playing the game their monkey brain just wants them to see big numbers with the least amount of effort possible.

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all the changes that give aliance an advantage in av would be reverted and than horde would win, than we come full circle of alliance boycotting it completely until the changes are implemented again.

Great. And you want more? When does it end? When classic has transmog? Or LFG?

The game will not be made around your opinions. You are one drop in the ocean. If everyone’s one change was added, we would have retail. No thanks.

Game design decisions are a reflection of the player-base. If the overwhelming majority feel this is not enjoyable, the decline in player-base and revenue will speak for itself. I’m literally just queing AV out of sunk cost I’ve put into this game, but I doubt myself and many others will continue in this state.

I just want to at least play some unranked WSG, the only decent option we have.

Can you honestly say this is a fun experience for PvPers? I tend to think you are in the minority. Maybe try posting on a classic character next time, do you even play this game?

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OMG World PVP is unbearable! It never should have been released without BG’s!

Bring the BG’s! Save us!

OMG AV is toxic to the game Blizz!

Edit: And yes, this is how it was. Players are the issue and always have been. It wont change unless the players do.


And here we all are, still subbed and still paying fifteen bucks a month.

The only difference nowadays is that i don’t need mommys credit card.

You are welcomed to not zerg. You are not forced to play AV that way. Logic dictates that you choose too. So maybe you could answer that for us. Why do you go along with the zerg?

Also, I’ve played this game longer and harder than you have. So I would suggest staying on topic instead of resorting to personal attacks.

Believe it or not at one point in classic, AV was actually hours long and full of pvp and actually fun.

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And i used to be a virgin. Now i have two little bastards that call me dad. Theres no going back.

Im enjoying what i have.

This is such a lazy comment.

…with a valid point.

If it were a valid point, I wouldn’t call it a lazy comment. It is a lazy comment specifically because the point is not valid.

Wanting some changes doesn’t mean some mythical floodgate is going to open.

You may be right.

But theres still plenty of content to enjoy.

This is not how vanilla AV was in anyway shape or form. One time I was in a AV in Vanilla for 9 hours.

Retail mentality happened.

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I was playing in a premade wsg group all day today. We had some epic fights with other premades and thoroughly enjoyed stomping horde pugs.

Question is why are you here instead of in game queuing for WSG?