yeah, this is bad. pve scrubs afk in AV for 100k a day and no HK’s
you guys idolize vanilla wow too much. Ppl get smarter of cause the way of play is different… no one would use a type writer when you have a computer. the same concept. Another fall prey to Nostalgia.
Question is why are you here instead of in game queuing for WSG?
So what people consider to be the highest PvP accolade in classic in general is the ranking system which rewards PvP epics. While its not my favorite system due to it mostly being a measure of time over skill I know what I signed up for.
What I think most of us didn’t anticipate is how poorly tuned AV is – that to even be relevant in this “PvP system” means literally AFKing or PVEing in a 40man AV raid. Most PvPer’s expected WSG//AB to be on par, stronger, or just relevant to honor ranks. Based on my own anecdotal experience and input from other players, this is obviously not the case.
Yes we can que WSG, but we are fractions of fractions getting less honor than people PvEing or AFKing in AV.
I can sympathize with the no changes crowd to an extent. And while I can understand its a slippery slope concept, changes have already happened. At some point you need to let the overwhelming percentage of the community that ask for a bit of tuning to shape the game, or if nothing else have a little faith in the judgement of the developers.