AV is terrible - fix it

Worst BG ever conceived, the quest to win a game is not able to be completed as an Alliance player. -Every- single game is the same.

Camp SHGY for 20 minutes
Horde realize they have two entrances to SHGY that are unguarded and begin coming in from both sides
We lose SHGY
We lose

This is every game, there is no game where this sequence deviates. Every single game. It’s pathetic, the only time Alliance were regularly winning is when we were able to create premades but Blizzard was not okay with Alliance winrate being >=.01% in AV. No changes btw.

Since this is a stitched together version of Vanilla this BG needs to be looked over, this game isn’t the ‘museum’ of what used to be, so many things have changed and this BG needs to be one of them. It’s not an issue with racials, skill, or attitude, it’s the map. It is so unbelievably unfair that my mind is blown that this garbage was actually a released product. It’s even more wild when you realize this isn’t even the first iteration of the map, we got the watered down version. During the time when land mines and many NPCs were being removed not even then was anything fixed.

Was it not standard practice to play test back in 2006? You cannot tell me with a straight face that a singular person at Blizzard did any amount of play testing with this abomination. By the time Alliance get to Balinda the Horde have already crossed the Field of Strife. The Alliance has one entrance to IBGY, this entrance within range of Iceblood Tower when you’re running to the flag. The Horde have two unguarded entrances to SHGY. There is less than a 0% chance anyone, ever, anywhere, put any real thought into this waste of space.

Fix the BG. This is not a museum, this game is not hosted to serve as a look back at how things used to be because you have actually changed the game itself and the players aren’t clueless clicking idiots with CRT monitors.


2006 meta was to run past each other in field of strife and only fight on flags, never on roads.


Give us the original version. Epic multi day battles.

done properly that is the way to go.

player A is queueing AV, getting in, playing 30min, winning/losing, looting 50/10 thingies. queueing again - or not.

why cant player A queue AV, join an in-progress game, play for 30 minutes, get partial credit based on how the game is going, equivalent of 50/10 thingies, keep playing or drop.

no reason the horde vs alliance war begins when you’re ready. it should be immersive and in-motion regardless of players’ position in it.

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I agree. However this has been being discussed for the last 12 months and is the most discussed topic on these forums and there is not a single blue post in regards to it. Blizzard very clearly is fully intent on letting this BG stay for the most part dead.


This topic should be retired.

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Alliance cant even handle games lasting longer than 20minutes before quitting for another queue, you think they would have enough patience for DAYS!?


Multi day would be physically impossible with cross realm BG’s enabled. BG’s shoulda released as realm only.


What a fresh and exciting subject of discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

If Blizzard were to artificially cause AV games to last much longer like they used to back in 2005(which was due to the way people played more than anything), then Alliance still wouldn’t queue after they hit AV exalted.

People already know how honor inefficient long AV games are, and without a constant influx of new players trying to grind exalted like in 2005 it would just end up in the same perpetual state.

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it gets fixed in tbc

It’s really odd that people still think battlegrounds would function without cross realm. Remember when they tried to split eastern and western timezone servers? The forums were ablaze because of queue times.

There’s currently 0 AV’s across 37 servers up right now. There’s 4 WSG games and 7 AB games. I remember grinding to rank 10 back in Vanilla before CRBG’s, late into the night and early morning on my Medium pop RPPvP server. 37 Classic servers to equal the amount of people PvPing on a large Vanilla server.


It’s also AB weekend, a holiday week, and it’s phase 6 where most of the only people still trying to rank are alts because everyone else finished a while ago.

The lack of new players has a lot to do with it too. Same server queues definitely would work in classic though at least through phase 5. Maybe on fresh servers they can add cross realm in phase 6 this time around if they decide to do fresh.

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It’s not the game, it’s how most of the players choose to play it


Or maybe it’s

They would have functioned fine if there was the simplest thing like faction ratio queues to keep servers from becoming lopsided at launch.

Sure, horde could stop playing scorched earth and play the same meta they were in vanilla.

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Here we go again. Which “meta” was that, zyrius?

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Anyone that’s not scorched earth.

But then you know that there three basic metas. Zerg or light defense while base racing which both alliance and horde can participate in, give decent win rates for both sides, decent games for both sides and decent queues since both sides will play. Or horde can choose to play scorched earth, a strat alliance has no effective counter to, leads to long boring games for alliance, no reason for alliance to queue for AV and long queues for horde.

If horde were picking option 1 or 2 like they did on my battlegroup in vanilla this wouldn’t be an issue right now. Horde are picking option 3 right now in classic and just like how it worked out in BC, when horde started playing scorched earth alliance stopped queuing and horde queue times shot up and blizzard addressed the issue.

Unfortunately blizzard doesn’t care enough in classic to do the same, even though they have changes they know work. They hypocritically only addressed horde complaints about premades but refuse to do anything about legitimate alliance complaints.

What is this world where I’m agreeing with Brokenwind? What has happened?