Yeah I aint takin the blame for this one. You really shouldnt be assigning blame in the first place because you might not like where it belongs.
I’ll admit that AV is unbalanced, but its nowhere near as bad as the forum narrative makes it out to be
The simple fact that the alliance as a whole has the perception that the game is near unwinnable is the reason why the winrates are so skewed
Even though you guys could actually win a lot more than you do. You dont even try, which just leads to the vicious cycle of you almost never winning and then leading to more and more people just accepting the “its hopeless” narrative
People that want to win stop queueing, more afkers and rep farmers fill the void and it never gets better
Don’t know why you don’t que ab anyways.
Just jumped in queue and the average time has not moved at all. shrug
I wish I could figure out why I am not yet a millionaire while I lie in bed all day. It just isn’t fair!
Some of us horde hit exalted during the era of 6m premade zergs by the alliance. Keep crying that river.
You mean when horde were still winning a decent amount of games and also getting decent honor even during a loss?
Yeah boo hoo.
itll take a few days to move the average wait time
No. It was god awful. The only upside was faster queues. The game ended in 6m because alliance were using paladin bubbles and waterfall jumps to solo pull Drek. Take a wild guess at how much bonus honor or additional rep a losing team can get in 6m. Close to nothing.
The alliance will find anything and everything to cry oceans over AV no matter what they do to it. AV could be changed put Drek at 10% health in the middle of the Field of Strife at game start, and you’ll all still be crying about cave placement.
Yeah you had some bad games, but that wasn’t every game. You had plenty of games where horde won the zerg or where it was close enough horde ended up with almost as much rep as alliance.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. Horde didn’t have a solo pull strat for vann, and horde wasn’t a 40m premade. There was only alliance win after alliance win via 6m zergs. Go cry some more about how hard it is to win AV now that you can’t cheese it.
And you are simply wrong, I was in plenty of games during that time that alliance did not win.
The map is horde favored but the non av weekend alliance strats make it way more horde favored. I’ve only lost av during av weekends.
No, because that’s pretty much the only alliance in an AV game at this point. So you just end up with longer horde queues and more alliance losses.
Other than the prospector one that was used in many AV?
The one that failed 9/10 times because horde was still a hodgepodge of aimless PuGs? Yeah.
Alliance doesn’t have leg to cry on, yet they’ve been spilling tears for the pat 8 months over classic AV.
Most alliance were not premading. That you got the occasional bad match doesn’t change that most games ended up in zergs by both sides that ended with a decent win rate for horde.
You don’t understand how the population difference affected the queues. Throughout the week, several hundred horde players will see the same handful of alliance premades. 90%+ of my AVs during that time were against the same few 40 man premades.
Push? push where? To the IBGY where horde can just go around and take SHGY?
Do you really need this explained to you?
/10 char