AV is now going to die within the next few days

or we can balance the map? If the druids were held correctly then there is not a condition in which the druids are not on the table. Once shgy is gone ally would turn in then


there isn’t anywhere to actually push forward if we took the next gy horde spawn on top of us its a losing battle


You’re being intellectually dishonest. The “strategy” is literally plant your damn feet at SH GY and not even try to capture any Horde strongholds. When Horde eventually overrun SH, you plant your feet again at SP GY and, again, make no effort to push out and have no intention of trying to actually win the game. To you, winning is losing (with as much rep as possible).


It allowed players to pause the druids and stop them from leaving so you could turn in more than the max crystals.


exactly this


Are the alliance players still crying about AV, and now crying that they can’t take advantage of another exploit in order to not play the game because they don’t know how?


Thats the defeatist mantra you guys keep telling each other to convince yourself to never actually try


Reposting this from another thread.


if ibgy is taken at the start of the map horde spawn in their cave right next to it meaning we never get into the hordes side of the map unless they suck or have no healers it would be infinite reinforcements vs a set amount of players


I’m guessing your idea of winning is abandoning shgy from the get go, have ally trapped behind while you soft cap ibgy with the 20 or so that made it, then once that fails you imagine it succeeded so in your mind you won. you need the majority of alliance to have fast mounts in order to have a shot at winning. even then, horde need to be really bad to even let you have that oppurtunity to win.

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Ive heard it all before

And ive seen it proven wrong on many occasions

But most of the time you guys don’t even attempt it because you have half your team convinced its impossible


Funny because you actually used to be able to hold IBGY with just like 10 people, and once you get 20 there you can actually prevent like 90% of horde from getting north and could push south with the other half.

It’s VERY easy for alliance to win since Horde has so many nonplayers now. But imagine just joining to exploit a bug and crying that you’re bad and demanding a fix.


If this really is the case that the horde have advantage via terrain/spawn placements. Then perhaps they need to just mirror the whole map if this is such a crisis.


My idea of winning is not going afk at Stonehearth to farm rep crystals, yes.


I haven’t AV’d in like 2-3 months, but I wager they are still, full charge to IBGY, not fighting, getting wiped, then on the insta-turtle mode til loss, with a few people that care pushing out to try and win points?


Holding SHGY is the best play alliance had, you can test how you stack up against the horde team without risking throwing away the entire game for 0. You just have to actually move to win once ~30+ minutes have passed and you’re doubling/tripling their HKs.

Sorry to disappoint you, but now you’re going to have a bunch of AFKers rather than people who actually need kills for rep. Rep farmers wanted to kill the Horde and hold objectives (the longer the game goes on, the more rep they get, after all). Hell, we’ve held the graveyard so long before the Horde just stopped coming at us, then we pushed south and won.

With that gone, the Alliance will be entirely comprised of AFKers and sub-60s leveling in the harpy cave.

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on av weekend its that. when its not av weekend it was mostly fighting at shgy to hold back horde. Yes, some went afk, but people would also fight on the flag to keep horde off.

So, no change then?

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yep even most horde would agree that the strongest choke point in the map is IWB. would they be fine with a mirrored map? thats to be determined