False again, but hey, if you say it, that’ll magically change reality, right? That backdoor jump you keep crying about is barely even used to begin with and actually pretty easy to stop. But god forbid you have to defend something to win like horde already does.
I will waste no more time with this sock puppet and apologize for repeatedly bumping this garbage thread.
Do Paladins have a faster mount speed?
I think it’s because the Alliance start closer to our base than we do to theirs, and we (usually) do nothing to stop their rush.
Have you even played AV lately? Since the prepatch, our (horde) starting point is moved almost to the bottom of the map, while the alliance starting point is still in the same place. While this might look like even starting points (we both start across from our bases), the alliance base is across a bridge. The bridge not only adds significant lateral distance, it is easily defensible. There are other reasons that make the alliance base more difficult to breech, such as the placement of aggressive NPCs near the aid station, while alliance can completely ignore the NPCs in the horde base while they take relief hut. To clarify, I am not talking about the NPCs at the respective GYs, but the surrounding NPCs, like the stablemaster.
Pay attention to where people are when the announcement that the Alliance have taken the relief hut appears. Horde are usually on the road between IWB and Stormpike GY at that time. This is because in a straight-up base race, alliance are closer to our base than we are to theirs.
I keep pointing out the map advantage, because it is NOT due to the map that Alliance lose AV. It is because of the players. Last night, I entered AV on my boosted night elf priest, where someone was saying a simple strategy over and over. While I personally did not participate in the game (the disadvantage of a slow mount is that you never make it to the other side), the majority of the players followed the strategy… and alliance won, giving me three more marks and some honor to upgrade from the horrible boosted gear set.
And by the time we do that and cap the flag, the Alliance already have a several minute advantage on relief hut.
AV is not won or lost because of map features. It is won or lost on strategies. The map does not favor horde, so we have to overcome the alliance advantage through better strategies.
After the prepatch was released, there was a period of time when alliance were winning most games because we were only base racing. After we got over our initial shock, we came up with strategies to win games. It’s a different meta now.
I don’t even queue that stupid BG if I can avoid it, make the queues longer for horde, and in TBC it will be even worse as less and less alliance participate in PvP. Completely imbalanced battleground, and quite frankly a giant dung heap that’s, zerg one direction, send 10 people to back cap and repeat. How is this even remotely fun???
If you want to believe that’s responsible for alliance losses, go ahead and believe that. However, it is not the map that is to blame. It is the players.
In a pure base race, alliance win almost every time. (I think I’ve seen one horde win in a base race.) That’s why we have strategies, to overcome the map advantages.
I used to enter the alliance base the back way. Then I stopped being able to do that one patch day, even though I saw that other people could do it. In any case, that “exploit” can be easily nullified by a couple of alliance defending the point.
I don’t know what you mean by that. If horde get sent south when we die (because we don’t hold GYs), the alliance almost certainly will win the game, because they are swarming our base while we are still trying to cap a northern GY. And how do alliance get stuck south when they die? That can only happen if they hold a southern GY.
As I keep saying, map advantages do not equal wins. Strategy does. When the hardcore alliance PvPers are doing premades (and crushing us routinely in WSG and AB), that leaves the (excuse the term) scrubs to play AV. When they come up against hardcore horde, what do you think will happen? When hardcore alliance queue for AV, do you really think horde stands a chance against them?
I don’t think it’s better to complicate things at this point, in retail in AV the horde wins without care. And here the alliance (classic) loses in all bgs except this one, let us win even if it’s only one bg, ok?.
If they change the favoured map for horde, the queues in horde will be eternal.