AV Horde still exploiting backdoor to cap towers

Let u win hahaha what are u 5. It’s pvp either do it or stay out. Scorched earth is coming.

I find it somewhat amusing that after this many years, players still think that moving the horde cave back so that it is the same distance as the alliance cave, is somehow a map advantage for the alliance.

The back doors have never been fixed on this map. They’re still there on retail.

I was talking about the map, for a pvp faction, I wouldn’t say the AV design is bad, he he he.

Might want to see a doctor about that.

It’s fine, we cap n’ burn through Galv—>IBT/TP while some of the kek’ers take FW towers immediately. Its a great combo that burns all 4 towers in 6-7 minutes and ends the game in 8 yielding 700 honor each time drek+0 dies.

Yeah, alliance just go back to winning most of the time since alliance and horde cross each other in the middle of the field of strife, instead of horde beating us to Belinda.

I wish my addon would work with the TBC prepatch.

What I observed before the prepatch is that Horde was winning ~54% of AVs, meaning that Alliance does NOT lose every game. Since the prepatch, I don’t know the numbers, but I have spent entire evenings on the losing side of AV. Once, I got tired of losing so I went to play AV as Alliance. They got to the Horde base first, then sat around for several minutes… that was the only Horde win I saw that day.

Oh, that is seriously funny.

Alliance win most WSG and AB games, no contest. Even now, when only about 1/3 of games are Alliance premades, Alliance still are more likely to win.

If you personally join more losing games than winning games, maybe you should make a premade? A super sweaty one will never lose!

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  1. I will start out saying that I am glad we aren’t beating you to Balinda and then turning the game into an unwinnable turtle for Alliance. That’s not fair and not fun.

  2. I am curious about this win rate comment though. I have a 60% win rate in AV on my lock and a 60% win rate in AB on my lock. My lock is not well geared so it isn’t like I am carrying or anything either. I am always in the group that either holds bunkers or back caps though and I am guessing that’s the biggest difference is that if there are players on either side dedicated to back capping, you get better results.

See this is why I knew the cave location wasn’t the problem.

You got what you complained all of classic for, and now it’s still “horde favored” in your eyes.

It was never about the map, you want free wins every game with a pve strategy being used of “race meta”.

Alliance don’t want a balanced AV, they want free wins every game.

There were legit problems with classic AV that needed to be fixed, and were fixed. The cave was never the problem. It’s alliance players making the problem by treating AV as a pve encounter.

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Yes. The side who defends harder wins in AV. The downside of defending harder is you cause a turtle, and you make the game last up to 3 times as long as it needed to, slowing down honor gain for everyone, yourself included.

This has had some seriously strange results, as I have seen Horde go with a full 20 man defense to push every single Alliance back to north of IWB, and then suicide because the game turned into a staring contest.

Point being, defend enough to win, but not enough to cause a turtle. That’s the current winning strat.

I think you (along with a few others) have completely missed my point. I can physically measure the map and see that the alliance is closer to every horde GY than the horde is to alliance GYs. For example, I measured distances from horde starting gate to the first GY, SHGY: 3.25 inches. But the distance from alliance starting gate to TPGY is 3 inches. Distance from horde start to aid station is 5.25 inches, but from alliance start to relief hut is 5 inches. And so on.

Whether or not the map was intended to be played as a race is irrelevant, when the alliance is complaining that they keep losing because the map supposedly favors horde. My point is that the map is only an issue when both sides base race and do nothing else. When either side uses a strategy, the game is won or lost depending on which strategy is better and which side has better gear.

Yesterday, out of 6 AV games, horde only won 2.

Back when horde AV queues were 1-2 hours, it really was advantageous for horde to hold out as long as possible for every point of honor. We did that by pushing alliance north and not letting them take anything, destroying all of the bunkers and NPCs, summoning Lok, and drawing the game out to 30 minutes for the honor bonus. The dynamics have changed these days. All queues are shorter, so we don’t feel the need to eek out every available point of honor any more. And, with prepatch, it has become impossible to draw a game out for hours; whichever side runs out of resources first loses a turtle. AV has changed. I still miss the epic games of vanilla…

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You also don’t spawn in the middle of the map making it impossible for alliance to push forward.

Im sure you miss your 99% free win rate in an absurdly un balanced map.

As if Alliance doesn’t already have a huge advantage. You know, like a BRIDGE being the only access. You can attack the horde keep from 210 degrees and nearly avoid nearly every NPC on the lower level.

Horde literally just use the back door to cap the gy and towers. The bridge is meaningless.

What? 210 degrees what are you talking about. You have to go through a gate then a tunnel, then another gate. The whole horde base is one big tunnel to the graveyard

The bridge is not meaningless. The backdoor makes it less effective, but unless the entire horde group, or most of them, is coming in the back doors at DB, holding DB at the bridge is still very possible.

The only problem with the alliance best choke, the bridge, is that it doesn’t protect 300 of our 500 resources. IBGY choke does that.

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