i remember a few months ago where ally premades came back and they went from a 99% win rate to 30% or so and the QQ was nonstop
Those were good hilarious times
Battlegrounds are contests between 2 teams. These are dynamic, and assuming any one way is the best way win is ridiculous. The Alliance have been following these mindless metas and crying whenever they don’t work. We’re not raiding scripted content here… We’re playing against other people who can (in theory) think and react. Anyone trying to follow a script to win a non-scripted event (or “win max honor per hour”) is part of the problem here.
The horde strat of smearing is literally their idea of max honour per game, because it means they spend more time in games.
11 min wins/losses are really better for everyone as it revolves way more alliance through the horde waiting. But horde play denial, which slows the games down, makes less people queue, and maximises time in game.
If 10 people decide to defend and show the slightest organisation, they will backcap towers and likely succeed and then it turns into a turtle. It doesn’t take any real skill for horde to win at that game as the map design favours it, with the choke points. Which realistically favour horde overall, as they have no incentive to play for the actual game objective, when they can just do reinforcements and draw it out.
I mean in a way it’s smart, but also counter productive. As no casual is going to que for 15 hours for a weapon in those games, which means less opponents and worse queue times.
Now if kills were actually worth something, it’d be interesting.
You’re complaining about a backdoor jump and having a majority win rate in the SAME post. Maybe you should just take the wins and be grateful.
Maybe stop cheating in a map that favors you already?
It doesn’t favor us anymore. BTW, I’ve only tried to wall jump 1 time since I resubbed and I couldn’t get up there.
I’m sure this is why Alliance get to Relief hut before Horde get to Aid Station 9 times out of 10.
This is because Alliance players tend to have a PVE mindset. Mike Tyson has a saying: everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Well, the Horde is Mike Tyson, and the Alliance is the guy he just punched in the face.
The only plan I see is to cry about OP racials and a map imbalance.
And yet alliance still loses every time
Sounds like this is a post for the alliance to cry. So who is complaining…ROFL
how are you a dwarf mage
False. Alliance is the more casual faction in both retail and classic. In retail the amount of mythic raiders and high end pvpers is staggeringly lop sided in hordes favor.
In retail and classic horde dominate most servers pvp and pve.
False, your GYs are still in better strategic positions and shorter travel time between your GYs and towers.
You just cant spawn 20 at a time in your cave in the middle of the map anymore.
It’s not false simply because you list our advantages while ignoring your own. But maybe you should worry about leveling your mage to be high enough to actually enter AV first, eh?
False again. We have zero advantages because horde exploits the back door on the dun balder bridge.
The back door thing doesnt even have to be used. A rogue or druid can mount up to the bridge stealth to the flag, take out the guys and cap easily.
A rogue is easy to deal with. Its classes that shouldn’t be able to back cap that are back capping
I mean a tanky class can run up there too, or a group. It just takes one person to say run all the way to aid station don’t stop.