AV Cave Rez situation

Blizzard doesn’t just fix things like this. So just like horde whined incessantly until blizzard broke mades all alliance can do is keep bring up the issue.


Just gotta show we care enough to get AV balanced (and fixed).

I mean stuff like alliance dying at SF GY and rezzing at Aid can’t possibly be an intended behavior.

And the cave respawn completely shifts tilts the battlefield to the point where horde is running downhill offensively and alliance is running uphill.

I hope we get a change or acknowledgement of these issues before 5k posts though lol.

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At this point, the thread needs to keep going in the hope (albeit infinitesimally small) that Blizzard sees it and decides to act.

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No point in that, they know about it and aren’t acting.

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Which makes me honestly wonder if they have sims that show the advantage isn’t what everyone thinks it is. Kinda like how their original answer on original CThun was that it was possible. Guessing players today would own that encounter even with the original tuning.
Or maybe they are just not interested. Dunno.

So not only can you not read, you cannot think. So ya Redhead did say it, which I will quote below. But your idea is even worse because all it takes is a lvl 51 naked horde following them to retake everything and if they stand to fight he just calmly states that there are 2 alliance south and if a couple people could come help. You seem to be predicating your entire strategy around a bunch of braindead horde against masters of communication and tactics with perfect comps. Also getting south on a 100% mount takes minutes, getting there in stealth takes SIGNIFICANTLY longer, so they are spending most of there time in the BG doing nothing but walking around in stealth which means they might as well be afk.

oh and the “Who said at once?” just to really shut you up, you stupid troll.

Have you even played AV? SH Isnt a choke, IWB is the choke which is NORTH of SHGY and has 2 large paths to it which if the alliance are guarding they are not guarding there flag. However once SH is softcapped the Horde can sit on the IWB choke and defend the flag. So ya MUCH easier to skip past SHGY going north than going south.

Also depending on what GYs the horde control you have a LONG way to go to get south and no invis pot is gonna cut it.

IRONY… considering we have given many logical arguments, you on the other hand have not.

I mean Ion never proved anything, all he said was that a raid would need to do 4k dps(AS A RAID) to kill C’thun, and that it wasn’t possible given the mechanics of the fight. Pretty sure we have proven that not only is 4k dps possible, its kinda a joke to reach.


Did we all at least agree that graveyard respawns shouldn’t be “the closest one as the crow flies”? It at least makes Snowfall a tempting Alliance target rather than being thrown back to SPAS.

I’ve even seen the ones adamantly defending the map saying the cave respawn is just plain bad also. If a simple rezone of the graveyard system into bubbles (with just a small bubble at the caves so it becomes the last resort?) can fix the whole thing and make it PvP rather than Alliance vs the map itself and Horde while Horde plays PvP, then does it become a good solution?

It’s an alliance problem so they are at this point not interested.

I guess we have to hope that horde queues get so high horde are also asking for something to be done. 2-3 hours doesn’t seem to be doing it.


Still never said stealth=teleportation.

And it is very possible for a single person to capture a node after the group of 5 cleared the guards.


4 stealth players head south together (you can do a 4 man premade for AV)

Kill the guards at FWGY and FWRH, don’t cap yet. Send someone to each tower and GY flag. Cap at same time.

You can kill the guards then come back to it. By capping all 4 at once you give the illusion of more people capping. You can still do this strategy with only 2 people but you just got the GYs then you hit the towers. And the stealth team shouldn’t fight horde as they get back there to retake. Wait for the horde to go back north then recap again.

And also of I can sneak past an active battle with aoe everywhere with a 18 second duration limit. A stealth can definitely sneak past a choke point.

Even if a hunter is using flares it is possible to sprint through it and then vanish on the other side and only be visible for a half second. A druid can also get past a flare using another alliance player as a distraction. As an example a warrior can charge up to the people holding the choke point and aoe fear to buy the druid (or any other class willing to use an invisible potion) time to get past the choke and disappear.

I know, it’s hard to understand how to use even the slightest bit of strategy for alliance but have you ever even thought of TRYING?

Your still trying to blame things on a false view of horde favoritism…

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When horde had an issue with AV it was fixed real quick.


the guards respawn, and pretty quickly too so no that would not work.

did you not read… you never have to stealth past a battle as horde going north past SH you have to stealth past a tiny stretch of path north of a battle after going around the battle where no alliance are because that is not guarding anything.

where as the alliance now have to spend 7+ minutes in stealth with multiple of them to get south only for a single horde to teleport south and undo all there work in seconds. great “strategy”.

I know its hard to understand how you are wrong about just about everything about AV but have you ever thought of actually TRYING to understand anything about it?

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AV premades were broken because of alliance behavior inside of premades, false reports in mass, leaving dead AV if not enough of the premade got in, exc.

Don’t try to paint a picture of “it’s hordes fault” premades got broken when it was the behavior of many of those premade players that caused not only premades to be broken but the report feature to be changed.

Hey look, hes back to lie again about the reason AV premades were stopped.

I mean its not like he has been shown multiple times that is wrong because it was stopped with a separate bugfix or anything.

So ya it was stopped because horde cried about “imbalance” and it was fixed in weeks. Alliance state in very clear and concise terms how the map is actually massively imbalanced with the better part of a year worth of data backing it up and not a peep.

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Guard respawn still takes a few minutes. It’s not instant.

Also, you clearly don’t know how a choke point works seeing as alliance never use the choke points they do have properly.

By your own words a choke point cannot be AOEd 100% of the time by alliance on that bridge, and now somehow horde can aoe IWB choke point 100% of the time regardless of if a warrior has charged the horde group and aoe fear interrupted them from aoeing, it’s still somehow being AOEd and cannot be passed by a stealth or someone with an invis potion…

I’ve given ways to pass the choke point or create openings to pass it. It’s not my fault you won’t even try these methods to see how well they actually do WORK. Because you won’t even TRY.

It’s a lot easier to blame your failures on other things if you never try to begin with.

Well, there’s 15 years worth of vanilla and private server data that state the map isn’t the issue, but you ignore those factors as well as any actual advise on how to help your team win.

It’s ok though, keep blaming everything other than yourselves. Because you can clearly do no wrong, 50%+ of your team not even trying to win is clearly not what is holding you back.

Ten characters were needed…

Yes because the map was fixed in TBC.

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The win conditions were changed and THAT is what made the map unbalanced and required more changes.

Reinforcement mechanics. Does that sound familiar to you from vanilla AV? That’s probably because it was added in TBC to prevent super long games, and that in turn is what broke AV.

Until reinforcement mechanics were a thing AV was balanced with all data (including 1.12 private servers) supporting it favoring the alliance.

The graveyard respawn issue needs to be looked into, but the location of things on classics AV map is 100% balanced and vanilla design. Reinforcement mechanics is what gave horde the edge in AV in TBC. Alliance player mind set and graveyard respawn being scuffed is what gives horde the edge in classic AV.

Nope the map imbalanced existed, all the change to win conditions was make scorched earth a hard win instead of soft win. The change to reinforcements just highlighted the issue, they did not create it.