AV Cave Rez situation

So you expect blizzard to do to SHGY what they did in retail and make it easier to defend? They raised the elevation. Its a big hill now. Any structural changes they do to the bg would end up not being vanilla av anymore. Might as well add reinforcements and change the honor to a currency.

No to any of this. The only change to AV that needs to happen is revert the instance to its 1.5 state.

This isnt retail av will they can actually make progressive changes to this bg. You havr 3 versions of av in vanilla. 1.5, 1.7 and 1.12.

Alot of people including me think 1.12 is trash for AV and we warnes blizzard this will be a problem.

Bring back the original AV

1.5 and 1.7 would be just as bad, because the cave res at IBGY still exists in those maps.

We need the cave moved back and that you do not get sent to the cave if you control a GY.

If this strategy was employed during vanilla and horde started winning at anywhere close to these numbers changes would have been made and FAST. They have already changed things due to this reasoning(ectoplasmic distiller) and have made changes to AV itself to where the version we have now NEVER existed in the history of WoW.

The easiest/best map they could do at this point would be to give us the 2.4 map with no reinforcement mechanics.

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Who said at once? TWO players can keep the entire south end of the map grey by running from node to node. This should not need to be explained to you.

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And they’ll eventually die and be stuck north.

This should not need to be explained to you.


If by “stuck north” you mean giving up after one attempt, that would certainly fit the current alliance meta.

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I realize you don’t appreciate how effective the SH choke point is at keeping alliance north.

I realize you do not know how to utilize stealth.

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Stealth has nothing to do with it.

Stealth allows you to immediately head back south to keep soft capping, but it has “nothing to do with it”? How are your stealthers “stuck north”?

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Stealth does not teleport you to whereever you want to go, do you even know how stealth works?

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I’m sorry, could you cite where I claimed stealth imbued one with the power of teleportation?

Your strawpeople are tiresome.

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You’re the one claiming stealth allows someone north of SH to instantly be back south capping GY’s.

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Do you?

I’ve bypassed the entire alliance team at SHGY with invisibility potions when 90% of the alliance team was there. And that’s limited to 18 seconds, stealth has no duration limit.

If I can get past a battle in progress with a limited duration how can alliance not get past horde waiting to kill something at the “magical” IWB choke.

Because running through it while mounted is not using stealth properly. Or did you think that counted as being stealthy?

I see your misrepresenting people’s posts again because you have no logical argument.

Please cite that claim.

He certainly likes him some AV 1.12.

So you don’t even remember what you just posted?

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I am quite familiar with my own posting. Feel free to cite where I claimed stealth allowed you to teleport to wherever you want to go.

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I’m not sure why this thread has to keep going. Everyone, Horde and Alliance has agreed at one point or another in this thread that the map is a problem. We can debate until Thrall comes home about the extent to which the map is the problem, but between player attitudes and the map, Blizzard can only fix the map.

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