AV Cave Rez situation

Yet another dismissal of an alliance player who is not toeing your line.

Um no it is notā€¦
Thralls parents were from the clan whose remnants settled there, but considering they were never one of the bigger clans and that only got worse when they came to Azeroth and were settling in the mountains which were home to a human kingdom supported by Dalaran.

So technically home field advantage would go to the alliance since they have been there far longer and have more and stronger troops there.

Also I love how everyone just takes you at your word for all these magical wins you seem to get, yet all you have shown is 2 win screenshots with no timestamp and stories with claims that you have some magical strategies that defeat mathematical advantages yet just like everyone else who has been posed the question how do you beat an IBGY def and win you seem to be oddly quiet.

Its almost like you are full of bs and like to make up stories on forums for some reason, and you do not actually have any AV strategies.


thatā€™s a really long sentence

iā€™ve posted 3 screenshots

ask any player in that screenshot and they will tell you

Viratrix will accept nothing less than a 100% success rate strat that involves specifically beating a horde force of 40 players at every spot on the map simultaneously. Otherwise you are ā€œlyingā€. He also insists that the magical ā€œibgy defenseā€ is a thing prevents any chance of an alliance win, despite being told repeatedly that hard capping ibgy is purely optional.

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I would like any kind of valid strat to overcome a GY where horde can reinforce 3x faster than the alliance can.

But I guess if you wanna skip IBGY then how do alliance overcome a defense at FWGY when horde reinforce 10x faster than the alliance?

Or RH where the horde reinforce 15x faster?

You are so stupid that you honestly think skipping IBGY and making the problem magnitudes worse is a valid strat?

Sorry that reality disagrees with your perception of the AV map, but for the honest and sane people we can understand the map is the problem and realize trolls like you do not have a foot to stand on.


Few if ANY players have said that the cave rez mechanic should be working the way it is, so you can drop that silliness.

It takes a few minutes to hard cap a GY. If you cannot manage to win that fight then it is a player issue. Also lol at the ā€œ10x fasterā€, followed up with

There is the horde everywhere at once on a momentā€™s notice magical trinket of blizzard favoritism.

It has been explained to you over and over and over that soft capping MULTIPLE objectives thins out defenses, allowing them to be whittled down with superior numbers. Does alliance not have classes in the BG capable of ressing others? You just refuse to accept that as a strategy.

I have seen it repeatedly work, to knock horde back on their heels, and often enough that it completely stalls out the horde advance, or actually lead to alliance wins.

You continually challenge HORDE to explain strats to you, and you repeatedly dismiss them. You cannot see beyond having the entire alliance force move in lockstep blob fashion south, which simply makes a huge juicy target.
You just
get it.

And you still wonder who blizzard is ignoring you.

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You really cannot be this stupid can you?

The math has been shown that with alliance at SH and horde at the cave horde can rez and be back to the GY 3x faster than alliance, that is just how the map works in its current version this is indisputable.

Also I never said that the horde were everywhere at once, I merely showed hiw dumb your suggestion of skipping IBGY was.

If alliance skip IBGY they have 3 options all of which alert the horde of where they are. And while I didnt do the exact math on FW or RH it is significantly worse than at IBGY.

So since you seem to only be able to comprehend simple things. If the Alliance attack FWGY without IBGY they will rez up at SHGY assuming they still own that at 10 at a time, with FW softcapped the horde rez 20 at a time at the cave which is significantly closer(alliance have to run from essentially the same cave distance after running from SH down to that distance south of IBGY past multiple towers.

RH is even worse cause now you have horde rezzing at FW and alliance still rezzing at SH running down to FW past multiple towers and then through the horde base including 2 more towers.

And worst of all would be skipping GYs and going for marshals and drek, which now has you in the situation of fighting very tough elites with no rezzing and a few horde can easily cause a wipe by killing or disabling healers or fearing someone into drek and the marshals.

I dismiss your strats because they are pathetically stupid, It would be the equivalent of telling someone the best way push a 1000 lb obstruction out of the way would be to use the alternate paths that require you to push either a 2000lb or 3000lb obstruction.

You are an idiot and have no business discussing AV when you have no understanding of how the map or the game even works. All you do in every post is just proclaim your own idiocy over and over.


Do you know what the words divide and conquer mean?
Maybe distractions?
Maybe shock and awe?

If the alliance send a stealth team down south and capture everything south of FWGY and FWGY at near the same time (talking to your team?!) It will cause a panic in horde players.

Durring this panic send 15 to the cave to aoe the entrance and ensure any horde respawns shall not pass and soft cap IBGY. Kill any and all horde when they try to retake IBGY so they are forced to Rez in the cave. Which is being used by 15 alliance as a choke point trapping the horde inside.

This means all horde that die must now Rez in the cave and have to trinket to get out. This means they have to try to get to IBGY from FWKeep.


Who woulda thought!

Cut the supply line at the source instead of waiting for them to run to you!

So your basic strategy is hope the horde are terribleā€¦

Where did these 15 aoes come from?

Cool and if the horde send a team of 5 to go retake it all then you accomplished nothing.

Love how bad you all are, this is too easy.

You literally have no strategy to counter a small southern defense while the alliance have nothing of the sort and yet you cannot admit the map is entirely the problem.


Iā€™ve said it repeatedly, there is no ā€œeasy/obviousā€ pug strategy for alliance in AV.

There is for horde: zug zug SF GY and SH GY and hard defend all our GYs, eventually weā€™ll end up with both SF GY and SH GY and be able to choke the whole alliance team at IWB.

Yes, alliance can win if they have a vastly superior group of players or superior comp (i.e. Iā€™ve lost AVs with mostly meme spec healing class players, i.e. shadow priests/enhance shamans/feral druids instead of any proper spec healers).

But thatā€™s not a ā€œstrategyā€ per se; itā€™s not a strategy to need your opposing team to be outright much worse players or comp for you to be able to hard cap IB GY or take SF GY while holding SH GY.

Everybody knows that the respawn order is broken (especially the cave and alliance dying near SF GY and rezzing at Aid GY).

The ā€œbestā€ alliance strategies right now are to wait for horde to cap SF GY and then try to take IB GY or to take SF GY while defending SH GY.

Neither of these are great strategies when compared to the horde scorched earth meta. That should be obvious just by looking at the map and respawn locations.


So you want to sit at SHGY, wait till turn ins are done for rep, then give up?

Distractions, misdirection, divide and conquer. Itā€™s a very simple strategy and if horde retake IBGY, it should still give you a hard cap on SFGY as if you hold the horde off for even a few minutes it vastly increases the chances of a hardcap on SFGY because if horde have IBGY and alliance have SHGY with SFGY soft capped they should be able to hard cap it. Because the alliance are close enough to reinforce both GY within 20ish seconds and can react to horde pushes.

But again this takes STRATEGY, something most alliance wonā€™t do because they want to herp derp rep farm simulator instead of trying to win.

You can blame the map all you want, but the biggest cause of that 99% loss rate is the alliance themselves.

I by no means think the map is perfect, but if your not willing to put the effort in to try to win, why should blizzard listen to you at all?

And that 15 aoe casting was an example number, if you have the right team comp (and decent gear/talents) you could probably do it with 5-10.

But I donā€™t blame blizzard for not fixing the map, because itā€™s hard to tell if the map is the issue when one side only even tries to win 5% of the time, with the other 95% being rep farm simulator games.

The respawn locations need to be fixed, but with most alliance not even trying to win it doesnā€™t give much reason for the devs to do anything because they canā€™t get proper data and statistics when one team is intentionally losing most games after the rep farm simulator is done.

No, you and others just dismiss every strat suggested, because horde may attempt to push back, making it less than a 100% success rate strat.

Again, you wonder why blizzard ignores you.

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Calling someone an idiot for saying things as dumb as you have said is not an insult, its a statement of fact.


Hell, I cannot recall a single alliance player saying that they downloaded and tested AV on the test realm when they were making changes. Not ONE.

Alliance genuinely believe that blizzard is going to put the effort into making wholesale changes to the BG to compensate for the egregious apathy constantly demonstrated by them in this thread. It is staggeringly mindboggling.

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Silly us for thinking Blizzard should address the most broken part of any released game in the history of the companyā€¦

Anything that even approaches this level of imbalance is addressed within a week usually within days or hours and yet, months without a word.


Maybe, just maybe, blizzard looks at the games, sees alliance not even trying to win, and has decided that the map isnā€™t the primary issue and until the players fix themselves, there is nothing that can be fixed about the map to change the 99% loss rate for alliance?

Ignoring all strategy because itā€™s not a 100% chance to win is just dumb, thatā€™s a statement of fact.

sorry didnt realize that we just have to have 15 aoe who can manage to run past the horde team without dying past a choke point set up and be able to hold off waves of horde reinforcements for minutes with no reinforcements for any deaths, in addition to a coordinated team of stealthers with 6+ members to hit all 3 southern GYs at onceā€¦ and you seem to think this ludicrous strategy is validā€¦

Ya I am not the one being unreasonable here, you are the ones who prove the map imbalance by your own proposals.

Just be 3x better than the horde thats all it takes to win see the map is fine cause alliance can win at all.

How long would you play against someone in a game of chess when they got 2 moves for every move you got? Cause that is better odds then the current AV map.

I do not ignore strategy that is valid given the contraints of a team of alliance that is say 25% stronger than the horde in any somewhat balanced map that kind of advantage should guarantee you a win, in AV for alliance its no where close to being enough. I keep making multiple consestions to make your job easier and you still fail over and over.

In reality any split force would lose SHGY due to numbers before taking the southern objectives then all the problems we have said only become magnitudes larger.

At this point you both should get some long term forum vacations for trolling by any reasonable standard.


I get that, but AVā€™s problems donā€™t require deep analysis at this point.

Just looking at the map, one team (horde) doesnā€™t have to defend itā€™s forward starting GY (IB GY) while the other team (alliance) has to defend itā€™s forward starting GY (SH GY).

Thatā€™s really what everything boils down to right now.

The fact that horde doesnā€™t have to defend IB GY (because of the cave respawn behind it) means that horde can just play maximum offense (zug zug) to grab SF GY and SH GY with no defense.

The fact that alliance has to defend SH GY (because of how far away SP GY is, a horde soft cap on SH GY basically wrecks the alliance offense) means that alliance has to prevent SH GY from being capped until it takes SF GY or IB GY.

The imbalance between those two strategies is obvious.

That is the game breaking aspect here. We all know it.