AV Cave Rez situation

  1. Out of how many games?

  2. So just luck if it’s not repeatable.

I don’t know bro I don’t keep a stat tracker of games I don’t care that much lol. Would much rather have fun in game than talking about it.

So we just have to assume your win ratio isn’t any better.

fewer than 500 and more than 20?

It’s been made clear to me that the hardest part of being an AV strat caller on Alliance is ignoring the trolls and the toxic alliance players.

This is because you’re a troll.

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I don’t understand why anyone alliance side would still be queuing for AV unless they desperately want the rep rewards. After months of being beat into submission while Blizzard looks the other way, what do expect from alliance? “Come on guys, we got this. We’ve lost 19/20 games for months but this game… this game is going to turn that around! Map advantages will not be something we have to overcome again and again to win!”

Maybe you feel accomplished overcoming the odds 5%? 10%? Most players won’t.

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The biggest Lady Prestor of the Alliance isn’t me, it’s the player attitude.

Also Zyrius

I just really love AV. To me, WoW classic is the pinnacle of gaming, and PvP (when it’s good) in AV is the pinnacle of WoW classic.

I intentionally left the Horde after Q times for AV got up over an hour.

I don’t really care, I like the challenge, no matter how big or how small.

What keeps me going are those close games where we could of won and people “wake up” and think, “man I could of done this this or this differently and we might of won”

…plus the close games are just a lot of FUN, plain and simple.

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Man I really wish they went with 1.5.

You realize the horde queue times went up specifically because they started playing scorched earth?

This happened in BC as well.

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I love AV too. Guild was established around a love for AV, but we got the worst version AV for classic. Rather than address that, Blizzard patches a backdoor that existed for the entire existence of AV and fixed cheese pulls that very few pugs can pull off, but they ignore the glaring imbalances. This AV is just not fun and it’s not going to get better as long as Blizzard ignores input like this very thread.

You mean they started winning and Alliance didn’t produce an answer or counter for their strat?

What exactly constitutes as scorched earth? They take all the objectives without giving up any? Why wouldn’t they want to win in that fashion?

Why are you trying to blame the Horde for the Alliance losing in AV?

There is as much chance of Blizzard changing the map as there is of the Alliance winning in AV.

No, I’m blaming the map for allowing horde that adavantage.

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Blizzard made changes in horde’s favor…

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the 10% map advantage has led to a 90% player apathy on Alliance side. Cause and effect. Both are responsible.

I guess we will just have to point the finger at what came first for the rest of our lives and move on to other games.

Right so you understand the map advantage for horde was the cause.