AV Cave Rez situation

Yes, which can only be broken when alliance play vastly better.

And without seeing his actual games, since he refuses to discuss details, for all we know he just ends up taking no actual southern objectives and just results in the same as turtling at SHGY anyways. Which is actually the objective of scorched earth.

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I take south objectives I can assure you.

I don’t want to discuss it here because the Horde already has enough advantages.


Right… and i have a gold mine on the moon, I just can’t let you see how i get the gold.


ya this post made no sense and just kind of hurt my head to read it.

I would assume it involves rockets and drones

Well so would alliance winning AV consistently.

nothing that can’t be solved by some good ole’ fashioned gnomish engineering and elbow grease.

silence ends today btw

I’m still waiting for you to explain your brilliant strategy.


if you Q AV enough you will see it eventually.

it’s really not that brilliant lol

and anything can happen any game.

The one time that I saw the strat followed to the T we won in 37m flawless victory no objectives lost.

It would require the majority of the alliance on the team actually cooperating. Which is demonstrably not a thing yet, and is likely why he has better games but cannot close the deal.

The moment any alliance player posts optimistically, or of success, you and the rest of the defeatist cheerleaders pounce on them and kick them to the curb.

As Fayld put it:

But you refuse to acknowledge that the apathy and defeatism is not what is holding the alliance back.

If I queue AV enough i will see wins occasionally on the same ratio you claim to enjoy.

That doesn’t mean they are because you made them happen.

So, still waiting for your explanation of your brilliant strategy.

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not true at all, the games are much closer on average when I call them.

…and you will keep waiting.

Yep, indefinitely.

The reality is you just get lucky occasionally with an alliance team that is just much better than horde. You think it’s your strat but it’s that you just happened to get a good team. Which has always been a possible win condition for alliance.


I’ve had games that were really close object wise, and horde were top 8 out of 10 on KD

At this point now, I’m just going to ignore the trolls and whatever happens happens.

There is a very simple ask, explain your magical strat that works ~50% of the time.

You continue to fail to provide it.


the hardest part of calling strats and/or getting wins on alliance side is dealing with player apathy, trolls, toxic alt strat callers, rep/honor farmers etc.

It got to me so much that I was chat banned for two days. From now on it’s just simple macro call outs, if someone wants to flood the chat or the board with trolling, I’ll just ignore it move on.

It isn’t fun and it doesn’t get anywhere.

No the hardest part is calling strats that work.

You are getting silenced because your strats suck.

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  1. It does not work 50% of the time. I got 5 wins over the course of a week.

  2. The only time I would explain it is if someone was in a game with me, and asked me for tips in game afterwards.

ok bud I have only been playing AV since the beta in '04 what do I know