AV Cave Rez situation

If you don’t know how your side wins in AV, then you should stop talking. I know how I have lost. Apparently you are one of the terrible players that holds your team back so much that you never get a win to understand how your side accomplishes said win. Reread the 2 strategies I posted earlier. They are both how your side wins games on that map.

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You think one guy with invisible potions can kill the lok summoner? Have you donated your brain? Wtflol

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No i’m saying alliance have to be significantly better than horde to take a southern objective while holding SHGY.

This is what you don’t understand, as horde you don’t have to prevent a soft cap of IBGY and you fail to comprehend alliance don’t have that luxury at SHGY.

Imagine splitting off to take sfgy and losing sh. Then you have 5 mins of no rez and everyone who dies is stuck behind the choke at shgy. Leaving a smaller and smaller force at sf that is easily whittled down. Get a brain dude.


No, this is what you don’t understand. If you soft cap IBGY, Horde will go “oh mah gawd we gotta defend it rawr” and zug zug 20+ straight to it. It is literally the response every time. The goal isn’t to hard cap it. The goal is to split the Horde force and then own us. That’s one very basic strategy that works. But it requires you to do more than hold SHGY which isn’t possible when players like “you” say “we can’t do that without losing SHGY” which leads to inaction and a guaranteed loss.

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Be honest. You’ve lost very few games and at this point, arguing in favor of this map is delusional. It’s a trash map. It’s okay to enjoy easy wins but at least admit why you defend a horribly designed map.

Nobody said alliance never win. They rarely win. Nobody said that 100% of the current problem is the map, but the map is the cause of the apathy players feel today.

Horde are complacent. Alliance are defeated. Other than players looking for no challenge wins, who enjoys this AV? Classic deserved a better version.

He quite literally does not understand that alliance have to hold a southern GY through 5 minutes of horde rezs from the cave if they take IBGY or from IBGY if they try for SFGY. While not letting SHGY soft cap at all.

Where as horde can easily let IBGY soft cap and take SHGY.

You mean like the tailing strategy Horde used against premades? That strategy that required us to either stop the premade or lose Lts. and Balinda and get zero Honor in a 10 minute game? Yeah, I know all about having to make choices. Most times, people would rather get the safe amount of honor from getting Lts. + Balinda and lose without taking a risk.
So please. Take your defeatist arguments elsewhere. Current state, Alliance has to risk something to win. If you don’t, it is an auto loss.
Get a brain dude.

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This post is literal triggered jibberish lol its not about taking a risk the map doesn’t allow evenly matched teams the same opportunity. Still mad about premades eh?

Horde were not getting zero honor against premades. They were getting decent honor/rep even when they lost and also enjoying a better win rate than alliance currently have.


I know what it takes to win.

either the horde are defending or they are not.
If the horde do not defend its a race to see who can kill the general first and strategy is meaningless.

If the horde are playing defense then we need to push and take IBGY then take FW/RH then kill the marshals and finally drek. If you skip IBGY any horde defense will just crush you because they respawn and you do not. If you are trying to hold a softcapped IBGY the horde reinforce IBGY at least 3x faster because they have a GY that spawns 20 that is half the distance to the GY due to cave. So we would need to take and hold a GY that has 3x as many players reinforcing it where the summon to do it is right next to that GY we are assaulting, so it is childs play to interupt.

Now because the horde have such a strong defensive advantage if they ignore the IBGY defense and put all players attacking SHGY which has 2 big paths to reach it, they can attack it with 40 players and while there GY is a bit farther away the alliance GY only spawns 10 at a time. And if the Horde can manage to softcap SHGY now all alliance on the map spawn minutes away from any contested location and gain a strong choke to defend(IWB) all alliance coming south. So if they can manage to take SHGY they can then send a team south to defend and wipe out any alliance offense who no longer get ANY reinforcements while they do.

SO in summary, alliance have to assault IBGY at a huge disadvantage and hope that either the horde do not play defense or that you are so strong you can split your forces and win 2 fights cause if you lose either you lose the game. Hence the 99% winrate for the horde.

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Personally, I don’t care about the premades and never did. I was more pissed about the Horde apathetic response to them. We didn’t even try more than 2/3 of the games. So yeah, it isn’t like I don’t know what apathy on your faction looks like. And the responses I see on this forum are as apathetic as they come.

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Lol decent? If I recall correctly they were actually getting more than alliance who were winning.

What are you talking about? Horde only got that when they didn’t defend and only killed Lts. + Balinda and even that was crap honor / rep. I know. I was there. You clearly weren’t. When we tried to defend and didn’t get those two, people were PISSED. So people stopped defending at all.

Yeah horde were getting at least 2 towers, the lts and balinda even against premades and also getting a significantly better win rate than 1%.


So you’ll respond to everyone except this person?

Um what… horde were getting FAR more rep and honor per hour back with premades than they do now…

7 min games with 10 min ques is 4 games in an hour
If I remember it was something like 2-3k rep per game and belinda is 125 rep

So you are looking at around at least 10k hph and well over 1k rep/hr considering horde winrate was something like 30-50% even with premades.

Hell that is why the BEST strategy for the alliance right now would be to have everyone rush and kill Galv then let the horde take SH and just murder all the LTs and throw the game. however that requires the alliance to let the horde through and play no defense. Prob the easiest way to do it would be to have everyone on the alliance sit up on the cliff to jump down to IWB till the horde take SH and push to SP then when they run past just run to Galv kill him LTs while you run to RH and try and snipe a win.

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It takes 10 horde to summon lok. That is 10 horde that are not at IB, or SH, or IW, or SP, or at the alliance bridge. Again I will ask you, since you chose to quote me but not actually answer the question:
How many alliance do you imagine it takes to disrupt the lok summon?

Are you actually reading the posts you are replying to?

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you clearly are not, or you would understand the map problem…
so why should we need to read your troll posts?

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Dude I do not expect anything further from you specifically than accusing people of lying, accusing them of trolling, accusing them of “not understanding the map”, and general insults.

You are not here to have a discussion, you are hear hoping for an echo chamber.

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