AV Cave Rez situation

You mean on a hill, behind the field of strife, from safety? Because its 100% correct.

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Um, what? We have been saying that all along. The good pvpers are where the HPH is much higher. We’ve been stating as much for ages.

because it does not fit their agenda, and they have the horde OP hoisted on their shoulders. They have been blowing off every single alliance player not toeing the line.

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Yes, some. We all have some success, generally on the order of one or two wins every 20 games or so.

I’ve also had some success and the two playstyles between horde and alliance in AV are very different. And, yes, I’ve played on both sides. It’s completely different.

Alliance tried for a long time to increase their wins. Even with a ton of extra effort you get no where near the amount of wins the horde get. So spend a ton of effort to increase wins from 5% to 10% or just do a different BG? No brainer there. The people who stay have accepted that it’s not worth bothering and just want rep.

Thus even if a few tryhards can double the win rate it really doesn’t matter because the situation is so broken. Things won’t get corrected through player effort alone and Blizzard obviously just doesn’t care.

I find it fascinating that you both imply that horde only zugzug, yet every time alliance are advised on strategies suddenly the horde are a well oiled machine, able to be everywhere at once and in perfect complex coordination.

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Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You cannot disrupt a summon that is literally on the edge of the FOS, on a wide open slight hill approachable from >180 degrees?

Must be the magical “secret valley” that makes such a spot impenetrable.

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Hard to disrupt it when you don’t leave SHGY.

Which results in alliance losing SHGY.

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No where near as easily as disrupting the alliance summon, which is damned near in the middle of the field of strife, closer to SFGY than SHGY. Not only that, the alliance summon doesn’t even work half the time. Take your ignorance elsewhere, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Only if you suck…
Which, let’s be real, if you are letting the Horde summon Ice Dad uncontested, you probably do suck.

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Maybe the secret valley is everything south of SH?

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Not really it’s just the way the map works out. If alliance shift enough people south to disrupt the summons SHGY is easy to take.

Unless alliance are just significantly better than horde in which case that scenario never even happens.

So you are saying that alliance do not have a secret valley? Not sure why you are talking about SH and SF when at the point that the disruption is needed you lot are backpeddaling up at SP.

Nice ad homs at the end of nearly all of your posts.

How many do you imagine it takes to disrupt a summons being done by immobile npcs and players?

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This is ridiculous and exactly the same reasoning you give for not taking SFGY which is also ridiculous. Outside of the initial rush, there are never 40 Horde going to SHGY. Never. There are waves. If you can’t split forces to kill Shamans while holding SHGY then your group sucks. Same applies to SFGY. If you can’t split a force to contest SFGY while holding SHGY then your group sucks.

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Except it’s not, you just don’t understand the map. Alliance have to take a southern GY while preventing SHGY from soft capping, horde don’t have to worry about that with IBGY. That applies to SFGY and stopping a Lok summons.

And here we go again. “You don’t understand the map.” Apparently that’s a fall back statement for you whenever you don’t actually have an answer. I told you Horde are pushing in waves. That means you have the opportunity to pick your location and split your forces while holding SHGY. Again, if you can’t accomplish this, your group sucks.

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Yes when alliance groups are significantly better than horde they can win. In a relatively even group situation alliance will almost always lose because of the map. And since there are no premades in AV that is the most likely scenario.

I don’t get how you don’t understand that horde can let IBGY soft cap and it not be a major issue but alliance cannot let SHGY soft cap.

Who said I don’t get that? I do get that. But you are pretending you have zero advantage at SHGY when defending which you absolutely do. Especially early. You are pretending that inaction toward an objective other than holding SHGY is impossible unless you are overwhelmingly better than the Horde. I call BS. I have lost to groups significantly better and I have lost to groups that were even but actually followed a plan. I have absolutely, positively, NEVER lost to Alliance when they sit and defend SHGY. Ever.


Once again noone is claiming alliance can’t turtle at SHGY. They certainly can, until the Ice guy is summoned. Which is still just a loss but it takes longer.

Well when you keep suggesting strategies that are inconsistent with how the map works, we are gonna call you out for not understanding how the map works…

It would be like someone coming in and saying the earth is flat and gravity does not exist and we would tell them they do not understand physics. They can keep repeating there lies and keep complaining about us calling them out for not understanding physics. However they still keep misusing physics and Until they do, we will keep telling them they do not know physics because they clearly do not.

You are claiming you can’t do anything but turtle at SHGY. Which is patently false. This is only true when your team sucks. If your team can’t hold SHGY while splitting a force to SFGY or another objective, they suck. Period.

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