AV Cave Rez situation

I’m not claiming it’s a huge advantage, but it IS an advantage, you seem to want to ignore every single one of the alliance advantages in AV to make it seem like horde have map favoritism, getting you to recognize the smallest alliance advantage on the map is a stepping stone to you realizing the other advantages you have as alliance. Because until you actually look at the things you have, it will always seem like the horde have more, because your ignoring everything you have.

I mean sure its an advantage, like being black has some advantages However when you compare it to the incredible advantages whites get, you look like a fool for trying to compare the two.

I mean sure the alliance technically do have some advantages, they just are peanuts when compared to the overwhelming advantages the horde get.

Hence the mockery.

37m win flawless victory calling strats top KD get some

Remember the name


https:// cdn.discordapp .com/attachments/636977544951889938/743307313234051172/ unknown.png

You ask anyone in this screenshot, and they will tell you, I’m not here to play games anymore

Congratulations, I would love to play vs you, it would actually be PvP instead of pvrepfarmer.

You know if you really wanted a head trip, you could do what I did, and just re-roll alliance

Then you could put all those strats you type endlessly about to fruition

And you would have 4m Q time taboot. You can be in AV as long as you like. The action would never end.

I would have to relevel and regear and I’ve done that enough lately lol.

After getting my 4th 60 in classic/private server (preparing for classic) in the last few years it causes a bit of levelers burn out.

I was going to level a hunter with no pet soon though as a form of challenge, maybe I’ll do that as alliance instead of horde, but that’s after I finish leveling my mage.

The game isn’t going anywhere.

I think all serious Horde PvPers, especially on this thread, should have at least one Alliance alt to experience AV with.

The two hour Q times killed classic for me, but not anymore.

another close game. We lost SH GY, but then capped it back. Took and held IB GY, and even summoned Treezus.

I kept screaming for recalls, but could only get 5-6 on Defense. I think a majority of them don’t even carry their trinkets with them. Then defense totally abandoned. I heard south was a crap show with 7 warmasters.

I think when Alliance gets to the later stages of the game, they have been so brainwashed with losses and camping SH GY, they just have no idea what to do.

It’s kind of funny actually.

Nope. Not accurate. Rez order is wrong.

I’m still waiting for my privilege check in the mail

I’ve thought about it for this very reason… I just want to play AV man

How dumb do you have to be to not realize that alliance are stuck behind the sh bunker choke 99% of the time when lok is summoned. Or that horde are in control of sfgy because they arrive there first EVERY GAME.

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People saying that alliance don’t try love to leave out the fact that decent ally players just DON’T PLAY AV because it’s a waste our our time to intentionally put ourselves at a huge disadvantage that doesn’t offer any more of an honor reward than other BGs. You wont see good players in there until they fix some of the ridiculous flaws.

Glad a horde made this topic. I have made a couple AV topics that havn’t got much attention. I am halfway thru revered and have not won ONE game as alliance. It’s so depressing.

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Most horde are happy with their 99% win rate while they pretend they’re gods of pvp, but only in AV.


Because stealth and sneaking can only be done by the horde, Oh wait…

I have regularly snuck past the alliance in a AV using invisibility potions and I play hunter, a class without stealth.

Wanna know a neat trick? 18 seconds from invisibility potion, then gnomish cloaking device, and your past the battle and don’t even have stealth!

The long horde que times give us time to farm for useful consumables, it’s just not fair to Alliance that horde can use consumables in AV and alliance can’t, Oh wait…

You only stuck up north because you chose not to put effort or resources into getting into the south.

The current meta is as bad for horde as it is for alliance. I’d much prefer more balanced games to this 30+ minute scorched earth/99% win meta that horde is forced to play by the long queues and map imbalance.

I think we’d see queues easily come under 20-25 minutes over time if the graveyard issues are addressed (alliance rezzing at DB if they die near SF GY and the cave respawn being made the last defensive respawn point) since it seems obvious to me that alliance rankers would actually come back to AV.


Hay, you finally admitted that the better alliance don’t go into AV and that there is a skill gap!

Though for the wrong reasons. They don’t go into AV because of HPH efficiency.

Let’s estimate the average AV game takes 45 minutes. AV cannot be premade so if the best alliance did still play AV the win rates would be close to 50/50. And that’s part of the problem with them playing AV. They could premade AB and have an 80%+ winrate because they would get to prevent their team from having bad players in it and be vs pug horde at the same time. So they can achieve higher winrates in other BGs. Now let’s look at the duration of the games for a minute. How many AB can alliance win in 45 minutes assuming 5 minute games and 80% win rate. About 7 games.

Does 7 AB wins give the same or better honor than 1 AV win? Yes. Now we look into that AV win being a 50% chance to win, and now it’s definitely not worth queing for. Heck even at a 100% win chance for AV the 7 AB wins would be more honor.

So yes the better alliance players are not in AV. But not for the reason if the map as you think it is, because it’s definitely not the map. It’s HPH efficiency. Alliance could have 100% winrates in AV and the better alliance would still avoid it outside of AV weekend like they do now, because it’s faster HPH to play the other, shorter BGs than a 45 minute game AV.

The better players avoid AV outside of AV weekend because of HPH efficiency that is keeping AV less optimal because of the two reasons given. Game duration and lack of ability to premade.

I want to know why all the alliance screaming about map advantages being the biggest issue rather than the players seem to completely ignore this guy? Look, the map advantage is real and the starting point respawns should be changed, but anyone who thinks the map advantage is causing the 99% loss rate is either lying or ignorant.