AV Cave Rez situation

Just calling it like I see it, blizzard addresses an issue horde complains about relatively quickly, they’ve done nothing about an issue alliance complain about.


See, this is just another example of handwaving advantages. It has been explained that a small handful can secure that choke while the rest are north, but you conveniently choose to ignore that.

Is it handwaving to point out the fact that the bridge advantage gets Alliance no closer to killing Drek? It only prevents a loss. It cannot secure a win except to force Horde to give up after 10 hours.

A small handful cannot hold the bridge indefinitely. 10 Alliance, for example, will only hold against a Horde assault for about 5 mins. The bridge is an advantage, but it’s not so much of an advantage that 10 Alliance can stall 40 Horde until the other 30 Alliance cap all Horde objectives south and pull/kill Drek.

And even 40 Alliance defending the bridge lose when Lok arrives.


It doesn’t prevent a loss, it delays it until horde summon the ice guy.


Why are you not preventing the summon?

You don’t need 40 alliance at the bridge to hold off 40 horde.

Why are you not preventing the summon?

You act like only the horde can stop a summon.

Location of the horde summons is more out of the way and easier to sneak it in then the Alliance’s is. But you knew that…right? You being so clever as you are.


Simple really. Vanilla’s AV was never balanced and players of today add to that by making their own choices to imbalance it further.

Out of the way? Seriously, right on the edge of FOS is “out of the way”?

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Addressing and clearly refuting EVERY single point you make is not ignoring them, which is what has been done. Ignoring them would be what you do about all the points we make.

you are the ones who actually tried to argue that non elite rams at SHGY were an advantage for the Alliance… pretty sure us making fun of you for a troll statement is not trolling…

We do not handwave anything, we refute things with clear demonstrable evidence.

Odd that horde started to win by taking advantage of the map and the map did not change… stands to reason if the horde had a GY that was impossible to assault that wins the game if they choose to win them, it just went from a indirect win to a direct win, reinforcements DID NOT CHANGE THE MAP.(a point you continue to ignore)

Other than the multiple detailed posts I have made that clearly explain how that advantage is a joke in comparison to IBGY and that the bridge is basically never in a position to be defended because of rez locations.

Just a straight up lie…

Seen just as many leeches and AFKers on horde and going for rep is not quiting its playing to get the only actual reason to go into AV because the map makes playing to win a useless endeavor.

And all versions of the map from 1.5 to 2.4 have the same problems so they would cause the same problems on every version of the map if horde just opt to play the current strat. NPCs would change nothing…

Another lie, its a result of Horde queue times and the fact that Horde have massive map advantage that alliance have nothing anywhere close to in terms of advantageous positions on the map to equalize it.

So basically all that post and it was just full of lies and proof that you have no idea about anything related to AV…


They are a very small advantage, but they are an advantage. You lot chose to take that ball and spike it into the ground in meme fashion. Again, why should blizzard take you remotely serious when you do that?

I literally posted the overhead view that shows that alliance can drop down south of that choke, and you lot fell all over yourselves denying that it was bypassing the choke.

Yet another example of handwaving. You do not refute, you simply accuse others of lying.

Ah yes, more of what you consider “refuting”. :roll_eyes:

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Rams are not an advantage they are neutral and die in seconds, you claiming them as such just shows you are grasping at straws to try and show anything that is even slightly an advantage while ignoring a GY choke that gives you 3x more people than the alliance…

No you did not because it does not exist and and anyone who as been to that part of the map can clearly see that dropping down still puts you in front of the IWB choke. but sure I am just handwaving a lie that is obvious to anyone who has actually played the map.

Still waiting on a strat to beat IBGY def
how to hold the bridge when you spawn in the wrong direction and have to deal with a raid boss…


Rams are hostile to horde, nuetral to alliance.

Still ignoring facts I see.

They are not neutral, and they charge and can slow attackers before killed. And you have the nerve to call others liars.

Still waiting for you to make a compelling case for not skipping IB and not simply riding past it.

Keep ignoring what you are being told. Seems to be working out well for you.

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Yes they are neutral which means they die to alliance aoe as well as being far enough away from the GY that they can be killed without resistance if the alliance do not kill them, they are a joke just like you.

you mean the part where you take a bad situation make it magnitudes worse and claim it as a solution. Man we cant win a 3v1… well have you tried winning a 5v1? that is what your solution is? again you are a joke.

we do spawn in the wrong direction when SP is taken, the bridge is not that good of a defense because of that and if Horde control SPGY they actually rez closer to the choke than alliance do which is NOT true of IBGY so there is that… Also still ignoring Lok who is summoned past a choke and requires multiple people to kill the shamans even if there are no defenders which there should always be at least a few who are walking with them after they did the turn ins.

So in summary, you are a joke and have no actual knowledge of how AV works.


I don’t think you understand the fact that they are not remotely neutral to horde.

Yet more of your “refutes”. :roll_eyes:

Still waiting on something that isn’t a blatant lie to be refuted…

I already did refute the bridge, the rams and the cliff jump and the IBGY “strat” of take a bad situation and make it worse…

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Let me spell it out as simply as possible

Rams alignment per faction
Alliance- neutral they will attack if attacked
Horde- hostile they will attack you if you go near them, including being kited or feared into them

Alliance- hostile, see above
Horde- neutral, see above

Rams have a charge (stun) and rend ability

Wolves have a howl to increase their damage and a rend

Both of their melee attacks can trigger a daze

So tell me what is stronger, a charge that stuns (and interrupts a cast) or a slight damage buff on a mob that is typically a few levels lower than the player?

Rams are better than wolves because of the charge, sure it’s not a huge advantage, but it’s an advantage. But that doesn’t fit your narrative of horde favoritism and the map being imbalanced in favor of the horde.

So clearly I must be lying about this…

You really wanna die on this anthill?

they are a joke and die in seconds especially in aoe locations hence the deserved mockery of ram team 7.

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Don’t take my word for it.

"I rerolled Ally.

The two armies meet under SHGY, near Bal, on the ally side of the field of Strife.

In order to win, Horde simply need to sit there, under SH/SFGY, and farm for Lok and take nothing, offensively, before summoning him from behind a hill in a secret valley, well behind the action, while the ally summon Ivus under the horde gy in the middle of the field. ( and we all know how that goes)

It is physically impossible to get to SF before Horde. IMPOSSIBLE.

Ally HAVE to take a GY, Lets say SF. When we do, we leave SHGY open or lose SF. If we take IBGY, the Horde spawn 30 seconds away. The ally spawn a forever away from SHGY.

Blizzard is awful. I have seen Horde outplayed 20 times this weekend and yet horde wins.

I know in the pre-made era, 1hour queues and 7 min games sucked in January, but the horde trolls who believe this is a balanced map, as I once did, have no idea. Really, no idea, and Blizzard for allowing this, have even less."

I mean…you know this you are just playing stupid. Or hey! maybe you are that stupid?