AV Cave Rez situation

Cool you can make up numbers that mean nothing, I often see Alliance teams with far better gear than horde teams because Gear is stupidly easy to get and the matches are random on both sides.

you numbers are useless and you have no idea how dumb you sound. Also EVEN if they were slightly accurate it would NEVER result in 99% winrate because there would be games with more serious Alliance than Horde WAY more often than even 1/10 let alone 1/20


Odd that you are unable to show any actual math to help your argument, unlike those who use math to show the map imbalance.

Odd that you do nothing but make falactious arguments and ignore logical reasoning when presented to you.

Odd that we look at the history and show how things were different and how that caused the different results, we also can look at history and see that the second horde started using this strategy in classic in TBC they started winning nearly every game and forced blizz to change the map.


AV is more like tic-tac-toe where horde gets to go first. If horde chooses to defend IB GY, there should be no viable path for alliance.


Odd how you think it is the same strategy when it very clearly isn’t. Kinda sounds like your whole “my random numbers say we have more good pvpers than we actually do” approach too.
Since you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Feel free to enlighten me as to the TBC AV strategy Horde used. I have spelled it out on this forum several times, but I would love to hear what this tactical genius has to say about it.

And as for this, I don’t recall saying this was why there is a 99% win rate for Horde. I recall saying there was a map issue that needs to be addressed. What I find all sorts of ridiculous are people who try to tell me there isn’t a skill difference in the players currently queuing for AV. There is. It isn’t 99% win rate different. But it is there. Pretending it isn’t there is ridiculous.


Well when you ignore the historical evidence and the numbers those involve, you ignore all your own map advantages like how powerful the bridge is, you ignore the player skill/gear gap caused by HPH farm, rep farmers, and que times, then yes I have no numbers when you ignore every fact given to you that doesn’t match your narrative of feeling about"it’s all the maps fault".

If only there was a way to sneak past the horde to cause distractions.

Im referring to the lazy fix they did by banning premades instead of just making sure they couldn’t abandon or report spam pugs. Or punishing the people who were doing it instead of the blanket treatment.

Dude stop with the utter nonsense already you have no clue what works and what doesn’t and even your own faction agrees.

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I played alliance in vanilla and on private servers and have player a lot of 1.12 AV. I have also played a lot of horde 1.12 AV.

The map is not the major contributor to the 99% win rate for horde that all of you are trying to paint it to be.

I’m sorry you can’t understand my view on the matter which is based on more than your “feels”.

You feel horde cave is OP, yet alliance have the same defenders advantage farther north, which gets considerably stronger when paired with the bridge compared to IBGY making an extremely strong defensive advantage before horde are at the win condition of the map.

Just because alliance give up by the time horde get there does not remove it’s value.

Alliance don’t want to play a game longer than half an hour, so the longer the game goes, the more of them that give up on average. The horde however will almost always wait in que longer than the AV game will last, so they don’t give up as easily.

The que times do play a part in the motivation of the teams and how long they will play for, honor per hour efficiency, exc. But you will ignore that fact as well.

Not even going to read your posts if you don’t have the brainpower to correct basic spelling mistakes before hitting reply. You have NO CLUE what you’re talking about.

How are you still so set on the bridge… its been proven to be significantly less of a defensive advantage than IBGY AND even if all you say about it were true that advantage stops being a thing as soon as alliance start pushing back to retake SHGY so you lose the advantage as soon as you get to about 1/3 of the way to a win, which still leaves horde with free access to Lok+ram skins+wing commanders while alliance have access to none of those, plus horde have dead belinda while alliance prob do not have galv dead meaning horde get periodic buffs while alliance do not.

It is almost like you have no idea about anything in AV.

The reason for the winrate is clearly the map and anyone saying otherwise at this point might as well be saying that the earth is flat.


The only thing proven about the defensive value of the bridge is alliance don’t use it to any degree. Not using something doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value.

Other than the fact that your only way the bridge works as an advantage gave the alliance 60 people to work and 10 mages/warlocks who all can cast AoE indefinitely.

Some of us like to deal with reality, you have yet to contradict any of the the posts showing how the bridge does not act anywhere near the same level of defensive advantage that IBGY does and you always ignore lok.

Bridge is attacked by wing commanders on both sides, bridge has free summon of lok, bridge has free summon of wolf riders, bridge has to be defended before you lose previous GY essentially giving up previous GY, bridge offensive GY is closer to choke than defensive GY.

None of these things are true for the IBGY.

Now shut up about the damn bridge already its as big a joke as you are.


And once again you are misrepresenting what I said.

Also, do you know how to step back out of combat, drink for 10 seconds and step back Into combat as a ranged dps / healer?

Your intentionally misrepresenting what I’ve said in multiple ways.

30 available Rez spots =l= 30 alliance.

Having around 20 alliance defending at the bridge can hold off 40 horde. Just because you aren’t doing it right doesn’t mean it’s not doable. That leaves about 20 alliance to go south into offense, flank the horde, exc. And can interrupt ice daddy summons, capture everything in the south while horde are busy trying to make a final push and failing (if alliance defend properly), and this will draw some horde down south, making the defensive team have an even easier time.

Not to mention that alliance can trinket back to instantly be on defense if needed because of ice daddy summon not being interrupted.

You said 20 defending bridge, 20 defending from cave and 20 on offense

that is 60.

or you said 20 people could defend the bridge and tried to imply they get the 20 res at the cave which they do not because if you are defending the bridge you do not rez at the cave.

also conveniently ignoring all the other actual reasons why bridge is a terrible defensive position…

while ignoring all the terrain advantages horde get as well as the probems with GYs allies have.


If you die about halfway across the bridge you you Rez at the cave.

Warrior can charge in, shout for aoe fear and die while killing and then be at the cave. He can then trinket or attack the horde backline to kill their healers. Rogues can do similar strat.

Mages can do this to die when oom but they die on aid station side, with proper timing (die and release right before GY rezes, requires an add-on tracker), to get full Mana instead of needing to drink then they run back, but is usually only best to do when you already don’t have buffs.

Warlocks can life tap and be healed to never go oom, they can fear anyone that does get across and kill them before fear runs out with the help of the melee and their executes.

Hunters should be keeping frost traps and flares on the bridge as best they can and multi shot on CD with volley.

Problem is, the alliance don’t aoe the bridge at all. They aren’t using their assets, they are not using the bridge as a choke point.

Alliance have an easier time breaking through a choke point than horde do because of paladins and the immunities, freedom, exc they bring. But even when using frost trap to kite melee and they have a paladin healing them, I almost never see a blessing of freedom… This buff alone can make a melee EAT a mage, even let’s a warrior charge into a group through the slow field to aoe fear.

But alliance don’t use this strategy to break through choke points, at all.

I’m sorry you can’t seem to get your team to actually use the map advantages you do have because by the time horde have reached your best defending position (which let’s you send half your team onto offense) your team has already given up.

Pssst, you’re being trolled.

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some close games, but no wins yet this week

still refining the strat a bit

alliance has fight in them tho boy I tell ya

I would say a good 50ish percent of the alliance team try to win on average, but a good 75% of horde are trying to win on average, which results in harder games for alliance because they are essentially playing with 5-10 less players than the horde because they have more people who are not contributing to the win conditions and actively hurt it by triggering events at bad times (example druids summons now that the holding exploit has been fixed).

The main factor holding alliance back in AV is the alliance themselves, so good job trying to change that and good luck. I hope to meet you in AV and get to play against an alliance team that doesn’t roll over after 30 minutes.

It is not trolling to have a different opinion, it is trolling to dismiss everything someone says and endlessly report them for trolling though simply because they have a different opinion than you and is an abuse if the report feature.