AV Cave Rez situation

Umm… no it’s not, premades as a team are better than pug teams, individually though the players are not.

And since AV cannot be premaded anymore, on either side, the quality of players won’t be any different unless the quality players on one side just aren’t queuing because of some other reason like a map imbalance. Sorry if that offends the delicate sensibilities of premades who think they’re better because they can pug stomp in WSG/AB.

And the argument that for some reason only alliance players are competent enough to understand the map issues really doesn’t help the argument that horde in AV are magically better.

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That’s cute. I don’t think they are better because they pug stomp. I think they are better because they pvp more often which leads to a higher level of skill. Practice makes perfect so to speak. Obviously that’s not true across the board, but generally speaking I would bank on individual rankers joining pugs being better than some rando joining a pug.
As for the quality of player thing, you clearly like to ignore things you either don’t understand or refuse to acknowledge. Horde rankers never left. Horde rankers have more practice pvping than non rankers. Horde rankers are better at pvp than Horde non-rankers. Alliance rankers left. Alliance rankers have more practice pvping than non rankers. Alliance rankers are better at pvp than Alliance non-rankers. BUT ALLIANCE RANKERS AREN’T IN THE BATTLEGROUND.

Don’t know what idiot made that argument. Sounds like something you made up or pulled from one of our illustrious trolls. As I have stated previously, there is nothing magical about the Horde having better players in AV and there hasn’t been since the premade players left.

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Oo… definitely offended the premade player by pointing out that premade players aren’t any better than pugs on an individual level. I know it’s confusing after pug stomping in WSG/AB which can make it easy to think you’re better but in reality you aren’t you’re not.

You might want to talk to one of your other personalities that talks to you in your head since I have been abundantly clear that I am not a ranker nor have I ever been a ranker. Related, you might also want to ask those voices whether or not I have advocated making changes to the map.
I know it is difficult keeping the 30 or so people who constantly post on these topics separated when you have 5 different voices talking in your brain, but at least make some effort at it. It might make your conversations go more smoothly.

/shrug you’re just upset that claiming that horde rankers are not inherently better than alliance pugs on an individual level kind of torpedoes your argument that horde are just better in AV. The strength of premades is as a team not that individual players are somehow better just because they premade.

So your argument that because have more rankers who premade who also queue AV doesn’t really work.

The fact that you honestly believe that horde rankers aren’t better than alliance pugs tells me just how delusional you are regarding player skill. AB doesn’t turn into a 5-0 2 minute game just due to communication. The players are better. That goes on both sides of it. Alliance rankers are better than horde pugs. Honestly, this is the least controversial thing I have probably ever said on this forum and probably the dumbest thing you have said.

It’s not just communication, premades also get to avoid team comp RNG issues. Thinking that communication + team comp isn’t enough to massively swing the balance in favor of premades kind of shows how little you actually know about pvp.

Guess that goes hand in hand with not understanding the AV map issues and why decent alliance are choosing not to queue into it.

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Seriously, team comp RNG? That’s what you come back with?
Yes yes, they get to avoid team comp RNG issues. Another one of those tired arguments people roll out when they have no other point. The “team comp” aspect has way less to do with bad class mix and way more to do with avoiding bad players. The funny thing about premades is that they can overcome a less than stellar mix of classes simply because their entire group of players is usually good at pvp. I wonder why that is? Could it be that they pvp more and have more skill? NO WAY!!! THAT’S CRAZY TALK!!! It had to have been the class composition. No way it was their individual skill levels being higher!
Seriously, you literally attribute just about everything in AV to “map advantage” but then turn around and say that the only reason premades 5-0 pugs in 2 mins is due to communication and class composition? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Man you really seem upset at the implication that people who premade are not just inherently better.

Which isn’t even the topic of this thread, I’m still waiting for you to explain why the good alliance players aren’t queuing for AV other than the map.

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You are really grasping. I never said inherently. I said they pvp more making them more skilled. I.E., they practice more. There is nothing “inherent” about that difference in skill generally speaking.
I already explained to you why the good alliance players aren’t joining AV other than the map. The HPH isn’t sufficient to warrant a 30 minute game (win or loss) with a 5 minute queue. Keep ignoring that point though.

Your theory is that horde rankers are supplementing their ranks with AV. You think that if alliance could get a reasonable win rate especially with instant queues compared to horde alliance rankers wouldn’t be doing the same?

That’s flat out silly. So now you have to answer why those alliance aren’t queuing.

  1. It isn’t a theory. Horde rankers weave AV into their queues while they are playing the other BGs. That’s possible due to a 2 hour AV queue.
  2. Alliance have a 5 minute AV queue. You can’t weave it in. You have to play it meaning you are foregoing roughly 10-15 AB wins to play one 30 minute AV.
  3. Even if the map was adjusted, Alliance rankers wouldn’t queue for it because 10-15 AB wins > a 50/50 shot at an AV win for less honor than you would have gotten in the 10-15 AB wins.
    It is straight up math. I know this is hard for you, but the map isn’t the reason Alliance rankers aren’t in there. Their fast queue times and the lower HPH are.
    And let me reiterate: EVEN IF THE MAP WAS ADJUSTED the alliance rankers wouldn’t queue for it. Adjusted map with 50/50 shot at a win that takes 30 minutes is less HPH than 10-15 AB wins in that same time frame. It is definitely less consistent HPH due to the fact that even with a 50/50 win rate that means you have a high shot at losing and missing honor that you are almost certain to get in AB / WSG.
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Alliance rankers could 100% include AV in their playing. If you think alliance rankers wouldn’t include AV if they had a decent win rate in their down time that’s just silly. And no they aren’t getting 10-15 AB wins in the same time as 1 AV unless they are getting 100% pug matches, or premades who are just throwing the game right from the start.

Which also kind of flies in the face of premade players being better at pvp…

Mmmmmkay. Sure. If you say so. Math says they won’t. Rando on the internet says they will. I know which side I choose!

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The only way someone is getting 10-15 AB’s in in 30-45 minutes is if one side or the other is throwing the game from the start.


Or it’s a premade vs a pug that gives up because premade.

Math, logic, reasoning, historical evidence, exc.

They mean nothing to the people who blame the map for everything.

we all know blizz isn’t changing the map until the second half of tbc. you can whine about losing all the time or come up with a viable plan to win lol.

in chess, white is on offense, and black plays defense… every time. in classic av, horde is on offense and alliance is on defense. you guys on alliance can win, you just need to come up with a viable system. winning isn’t impossible for alliance, but expecting to lose every time is a big problem… and inconvenient for the forum experts who think it’s impossible or not worth the effort.

White doesn’t have a 99% win rate as going first isn’t game breakingly good.


we have a chess expert here!