AV Cave Rez situation

Math is hard

you guys would rather pvp on the forums than do large scale pvp in vanilla #sad

I mean… I’d rather just have a map that’s closer to AB/WSG in terms of balance.

We all know it’s never going to be a perfect mirror but it shouldn’t be this far off, especially when there’s an easy fix available.


It’s particularly frustrating to see many really good Alliance teams, who can hold their ground for long periods of time, hopelessly losing matches because of getting overwhelmed by endless horde respawns over SHGY (which by the way also suffers greatly from being attacked by two very open flanks).


Was it Butt Stallion from Borderlands 2? I would love to meet that unicorn!

Pretty much this
It is sad though when the hardest raid content in the game is winning AV as alliance


Alliance doesn’t have any problems with WSG or AB or any other content. When the win/loss ration is 99% for a faction, that’s a big, red flag something’s wrong. And no, it’s not every single random group of 40 Ally just being “bad.” That doesn’t even make sense.

another win calling strats


Lol a 2hr win is not waking up sorry to burst your bubble

And yet still no SS or mention of what “strat” was used. You’re a troll

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i have been in avs with him, he’s not a troll his strats are actually ingenious and he has led our team to victory

2hr victory =/= ingenious.

Hi Scotts alt lol

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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Seems more like he’s occasionally getting lucky not that he’s actually devised a strat that gets alliance to the same win rate they get in other BG’s.

GY res order is the fundamental problem here. Changing res order back to being true to vanilla makes the cave location largely irrelevant.

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This is the vanilla rez order, this problem existed in vanilla, horde were not playing scorched earth in vanilla so it wasn’t an issue.

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No it isn’t. POSSIBLY was like this (but I highly doubt it) in 1.12 but certainly not the several patches before.

It’s quite obvious. There is never a battle for the bridge, for FWGY, or the relief hut. This is explicitly because the res order is inaccurate. And these battles occurred in vanilla in every game.

Not to mention makes no damn sense.

The map was like this in 1.12 and earlier versions. Horde were simply not playing scorched earth at the time.

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Hi Pollard-Alt

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like i care enough what you idiots think to create an alt and post on here lololol

I can’t say for certain because it was 15 years ago but I seem to remember the GY rez order being a lot more sane back then. Certainly something has changed and it’s a lot of the same players so I doubt that’s the main factor here.

Even if it’s a factor win rates were pretty close to 50-50 or 60-40 in Vanilla. For it to go to 95%+ there is something seriously wrong. That’s a swing in win ratio of 1.5 to over 20, a massive change.

If it’s all due to players then questions should be asked: Why did all the serious PVP players go one faction and why weren’t protections in place to guard against it? Clearly it’s bad for the faction balance to get overloaded in ways, for example servers that consist of nearly only a single faction or the AV win ratio.

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