AV Cave Rez situation

this does not sound like very positive thinking. This sounds like the defeatist attitude that has been left to run rampant.

I can assure you my win ratio this week is much better than 1%.

The late night games have been noticeably more fun. There are hardcore classic/alliance players that still exist and game it up in those times.

The games go on for hours, everybody communicates.

“If this long of an AV isn’t for you then you should go back to retail.”


I don’t understand how any horde can enjoy an 99% win rate. Something needs to be changed.

And BS is still BS no matter how you try to dress it up.

No you can’t. Everyone who’s played AV as Alliance knows you’re just making things up. Why is anyone’s guess.

Haven’t heard any complaints about AV being too long. Again, just making things up as you go along.


I have screen shots

https:// cdn.discordapp .com/attachments/636977544951889938/740264778249011280/unknown .png

https:// cdn.discordapp .com/attachments/636977544951889938/741172677057708102/unknown .png

And hour+ AV with only 200-300 HKs? Sounds like an early AV from before Christmas.


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Go get the addon that tracks BG wins and losses. Do a week of AV and post a screen shot

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Not sure how to prove to you that my char is a fresh level 60. Go message any of the players and ask 'em about the game.

what is the name of the addon?

Uh, no. That isn’t a recent SS. Reported for trolling.

Go message anyone in that screenshot then and ask them about the game. They will say “it was this week, and scotpollard was in it”

Farm Log I think does it.

Or battleground info.

look the people that are really having fun in this game are in AV doing the thing, not on the forums complaining about it and making excuses for being bad.

This thread sucks, is boring, I’m going to go win more AVs and enjoy my life.

Lose more AVs**

honestly i don’t need to prove anything to strangers on the forums in order to have fun

Yes you do.

You guys are trying to excavate the tribe of Thrall’s native homeland and expecting it to be easy #nochanges

I really do hope after 10,000 more posts blizzard does change the cave rez, so you losers can have 10 minute longer games, realize it was a player problem all along, and move on to TBC where you belong with resource based AV