AV Cave Rez situation

not to mention an 1-2 hour Q time

Well, when it was 0-43, going 3-40 means you have three times infinity progress if you dare divide by 0 or a ā€œsuckierā€ 300% increase if you donā€™t divide.

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getting better all the time

Far less skilled players will care for pvp with aq being out. It might cause a slight shift in av. But until the cave spawns are fixed it will be a dumpster fire

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Cave spawns (and SF GY alliance respawn apparently - being sent to DB, canā€™t confirm personally). Iā€™d like to see a timer added to the horde gate for full balancing, but not sure thatā€™ll happen.

At a minimum though the respawn issues for sure.

But yes, I do expect to see less people running it as it becomes easier to get gear that replaces AV Exalted gear with a lot more gearing routes available through AQ20/AQ40/etc.


Still looking for an answer.

Wonā€™t believe it till you stream it.

Yeah honestly itā€™s hard to believe heā€™s somehow unifying all the toxic unmotivated alliance to follow his calls and win. Not saying it doesnā€™t happen.

I wish people who say they are winning would actually post a screen shot of their win/loss records.

Heā€™s winning on his main on Chinese server kekw.
Jokes asideā€¦

Change the cave spawns blizzard!

Iā€™m sure alliance win a few games every day out of hundreds played and maybe a dozen or two a day on AV weekends.

Still, that doesnā€™t really change anything.

Horde has been playing more sloppy of late (a lot of alts and less experienced players in AV), but given how forgiving our side of the map is, itā€™s almost always recoverable unless the horde comp is horrible or something like that is a factor.

another win, walked in at 54m, went 2h 8m, was epic

alliance are waking up

The funny thing is, for the first few days after the backdoor was fixed. Ally were at about 40% win rate. But then they went back to the half charge, half turtle and they started losing them all again. You have to go forward as much as you can. That doesnā€™t mean get IBGY and sit there 15 minutes. You guys had the solution but then reverted. You can win, you have too many people that give up easily.

I canā€™t tell the you the number of times Iā€™ve died try to recapture IBGY. Just donā€™t stop. If you stay there you will lose. Itā€™s called back capping. You can do it, Iā€™ve seen it.

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Itā€™s really tiring reading things from people who canā€™t even grasp gradeschool math.

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Today I woke up in a positive mood. i felt like anything could happen.

I opened my front door and there stood a glorious unicorn holding a bag of money. I took the money and the unicorn granted me three wishes.

He told me to think positive and tomorrow he would be back.

This is the power of positive thinking my friends! You too can experience miracles!


positive thinking + hard work = more wins than 1%

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must suck having to wait 3 hours to get into AV as alliance ā€¦oh wait

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the true pvpers and challenge/thrill seekers of classic play alliance.

i love horde but wayyy to many people rolled horde for classic. I love the game and being able to play the game more than I love horde

The cave thing existed in 2005 and it only works decisively if Alliance team suck-age is in extreme levels.
They would lose anyway.

No it just ends up with you more disappointed by your 99% loss rate.

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