AV Cave Rez situation

I only played ALLIANCE AV in vanilla (and 1.12 AV private servers)

I’ve played horde AV in classic.

Learn to read.

Ladies and gentleman…

We got em.


Ironic coming from the guy who clearly has yet to read any of the countless posts that prove he is wrong on just about everything in AV…


The posts you made were wrong because you haven’t learned the map or how to properly play vs specific situations.

So… It’s not the map.

I’ve explained why those views were wrong in past AV threads. I’m tired of doing it.

I provided actual facts and reasons for my arguments, you just lie and make up numbers and scenarios that do not exist

yet somehow I am the one who does not know the map…

Still waiting on you to refute a SINGLE one of my facts in my posts, or for a strategy that gets past an IBGY defense.(lies that have no basis in reality and have been disproven is not refuting facts btw… you need evidence and actual numbers/strategy)


Oh man… This is what you call strategy? “The map is balanced! Alliance just aren’t dying in the right places!”

I’d laugh but I know you’re not joking so it’s just sadness. Sadness and rams.


Horde don’t have paladins for BoP and the bridge offers a more spread out area for defenders than the IWB does to prevent 1 warrior getting by from CCing all of the alliance aoeing the bridge.

FAPs can help the horde cross, but that’s why alliance should have a few warriors ready for execute range as the people that get across with FAP will still be low HP.

On top of that the bridge is mall enough that the aoe fully covers it, the IWB path does not unless you are only hitting the very end of it, while alliance can aoe basically any spot on the bridge and it’s effective at covering all available pathing.

Which means the available spots to effectively aoe is much longer than the IWB giving more effective Mana usage for the aoe and allowing it to be used more than once because there’s more spots it can be done at.

As an example the bridge can have about 3 spots hit by aoe and be fully effective , the IWB path has one. This is taking into account the size of the aoe effects like blizzard being able to cover all available paths.

I mean your playing the AV as if the GY work like they do in retail, they don’t. And that’s a big difference to just ignore…

I know how the graveyards work, I’m just amazed that you think a pug group from either faction is going to coordinate when and where they die for “strategy” reasons.

Ya they just have ele shamans that do far more dmg and much better racials…

Just straight false, look at the map.

I mean I guess if the people AoE are just spamming high rank AoE which you know usually makes them go oom really quick, but even then running through a blizz/hellfire doesnt hurt that bad. Also just as true at IWB.

No it is not.

no they cannot unless they wanna go onto the bridge which makes them easy pickings.

Cool so in that post you had not a single valid piece of information to back up your claim that the bridge is the strongest choke.

Also you kinda forgot the wing commanders and Lok…


Running through 1 aoe doesn’t hurt that bad, running through 6+? It hurts.

The size of blizzard reaches 1 side of the bridge and the other if placed properly. Meaning if someone runs through the very edge of the bridge they get hit by at least 1 tick.

Mages should be rotating ranks on their aoe, combined with the BG Mana potions, Mana agents, paladin Mana blessing of wisdom and evocation they should be able to run their aoe for about a minute without opening, and when they do oom they do in and die using frost Nova or drink, they can even use ice block to buy time. Warlocks should be life tapping and getting healed. Warriors should be going in as the horde get near to crossing and aoe fear and start execute and killing, rogues can stun people inside the aoe then get out, hunters can use frost trap, flare, volley and multi shot while having the pet attack those that get close to help out them in execute range.

Warlocks can also aoe fear those who get access into the many NPC on your side of the bridge.

The bridge is an amazing choke point if used right. It’s BETTER than the IWB choke point alliance complain about after horde have gained control of it. And yet you keep trying to downplay it’s value.

Lastly going into the bridge close to a Rez cycle time frame can be the right play to do to die, Rez 3 seconds later and move back to aoe when Mana has run out. For classes like mages.

But hay, clearly the bridge can’t be used as a choke point yet IWB can…

The problem with Alliance in AV is they ja e their worse players in AV purely to farm rep. Proof of that is AV weekend when the good alliance players actually come back to it and the winrate changes drastically.

The alliance masses of pve rep farm simulator players don’t know the map, you might, but they sure don’t.

Educated the less skilled players, teach them. And your chances of winning goes up drastically.

I wish we could war games AV and play either side just to show these things to alliance so they can learn. But I’m not leveling another toon to 60 at this time, 4 times was enough thank you very much.

Said the 1500 rated player!! Lmao I love it.


These are more “feels”.

Plenty of topics sitting AV weekend show people going 3-40, 2-47 among others.

Going up 2% win rate isn’t “huge”.

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Many of us have been trying to spell it out for them all year. They ignored us, actually censored some of us off the forums (herp derp), then went out of their way to do a bunch of other irrelevant changes instead. 1 simple cave respawn nerf would fix the AV situation, which was actually done in BC, but they refuse to backpatch it here.

At this point I would expect AV to just be garbage (much like their moderation) until BC. Come back for BC if you want a decent AV… you’re not getting it here. Blizzard has made that quite clear (through neglect, not communication). My sub is expiring a few days after this 30d censor does, so I’ll be hanging it up. I fought for this game for over a year, including AV since the first week it launched in December. Good luck.


Yeah, I plan to stick around through Naxx, so I’ll be here.

But I’m mainly here to PVP in my downtime (of which there is a lot more since I’m not really grinding things).

I hope we get an AV fix at some point before BC because leaving it in this state is too pitiful.

Respawn fixes (cave respawn and alliance dying at SF GY and respawning in DB) are not too much to ask for imo.


The map needs to be updated if they want the win rates to become more balanced between the factions.

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just locked in another win calling strats

that’s 2 in a day

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the alliance are complacent, but the horde are over zealous

It is good to win despite the map, and it makes it worse to lose with the advantages of the map.