AV Cave Rez situation

No because they have no Los on the horde and have to grind through blizzard and traps you dingus

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Edit: replied to different topic than what you were replying to.

One moment as I right proper reply.

IWB can be taken from the north heading south by 20 alliance vs 10 horde easily.

You can send stealth through before the horde aoe the choke point down. You can also give bleeding of freedom (ooohh paladins!) To a warrior who can be healed through the aoe, charge the horde and use his aoe fear to break the death trap aoe while the rest of alliance get through and kill the horde, or just run by and go south to cause soft capture everywhere and force the horde to fall back or lose objectives, and with being at the bridge already horde will most likely try for the push over defending as victory appears close.

Do you not know how to PvPā€¦

That is a horrible spot where your melee will get destroyed by the horde mass in the choke and ranged get blasted from the hilltop. You must not even play classic lol.

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Healing, freedom, exc. Letā€™s alliance get by an aoe death trap zone, maybe try using paladins for what they are good for and then having the warrior that gets pushed through the choke do aoe fear?

I mean, if your just blindly running into an aoe death trap it wonā€™t work, try using even the slightest bit of strategy?

Try playing av then come back to this thread after a few matches

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Thanks for that, I needed a laugh.


Played it plenty as horde classic and as alliance back in vanilla (and alliance on private servers using 1.12 AV)

This isnā€™t a map problem, alliance in everything but classic had a 60-70% win rate for 1.12 AV.

So I have plenty of experience in 1.12 AV. The issue is alliance in classic are not playing the map properly. They are playing the map as if GY spawn choices were working as retail wow has them working. In 1.12 the GY spawn locations weā€™re not perfect and had to be adjusted to to plan your deaths with your positioning to go to the GY you want.

Now if blizzard changes the GY spawn choice to act like retail (aka, the fixed version) I wouldnā€™t be against that as it makes things easier to understand and might get alliance to actually try pvping in AV instead of the rep farm simulator we have them doing now.

The GY spawns are working how they should for 1.12 AV. The alliance are not adjusting from when those were adjusted and are still playing as if they work how retail AV GY work. They donā€™t. I would be for this being changed to help alliance adjust, but itā€™s still not a map issue. Itā€™s alliance not learning the map.

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Just as I thought you have no experience with current alliance side av. You can stop now. Back to your mud hut until you get some actual experience on both sides.


ASGY (10) and cave (20) give alliance 30 per Rez cycle. They just need to work on their positioning to chose where they get rested at after SPGY is soft/hard capped by horde.

The chosen GY/cave positioning isnā€™t like it is in retail though and many alliance are not learning how it works in 1.12 AV to Rez where they need to Rez by positioni themselves properly.

Iā€™m sorry if the truth hurts but many classic alliance are playing the AV GY as if itā€™s retail. And thus not going where they expect to and crying about it. They either need to learn how 1.12 AV works or blizzard should change the GY selection to match retail because alliance refuse to learn how the map works.

you do realize if this were true it would also applies to the bridge to DB too rightā€¦

You mean give up SPGY so that we can spawn at AS instead of cave? Because thatā€™s the only way to ā€œpositioning chose where they get restedā€. You canā€™t defend SPGY from the DB side of the bridge, and the middle of the bridge is the break point. Should we also learn how to take and defend SFGY from the bottom of the ramp that leads to it?

I know, I knowā€¦smart positioning and all that. It will certainly help us defend a flag by being at least 1.5 times cast range from said flag. What you are implicitly saying here is that alliance has only 2 graveyards, and that there IS no neutral graveyard.

Ok so there are

  • 10 people rezing in DB
  • 10 others defending Bridge while they are rezingā€¦
  • 20 attacking from cave to SP
  • 20 attacking and capping everything in the south at the same timeā€¦

I know you accuse us of claiming horde have 80 players(we donā€™t we deal in facts and make sure our numbers add up)
where as you are claiming that the alliance have AT LEAST 60 players and that 20 people can break a defense of 10 yet in a less defensible position 20 people can defend 40ā€¦


I have plenty of experience in 1.12 AV from alliance side between actual vanilla and being alliance on private servers that used 1.12 AV.

Your playing the map wrong.

Misplaying how you use GY spawn is a huge factor in 1.12 AV. So either learn it or ask blizzard to ā€œfixā€ it to match retails GY selection so you donā€™t have to learn it. And again I am for blizzard changing it to match retail because I know the majority of alliance wonā€™t bother to learn how 1.12 AV GY work and learn where to die to Rez and desired GY.

Here is a hint, if SPGY is falling get access the bridge to hold horde off until your alliance cave resets can trinket in. When defending SPGY you should have your ranged and healers already on the bridge ready to fall back. Heck itā€™s not a bad idea to let SPGY get capped outright because it helps alliance Rez where they want.

I remember AV vanilla games where horde wouldnā€™t cap SPGY because it makes getting a cross the bridge harder because alliance that die near the bridge with horde not taking SPGY Rez at SPGY and can be AOEd down. Effectively forcing alliance to lose more people as they tried to defend the bridge. To the point paladins who got out into SPGY would bubble on rez just to try and run back across the bridge to defend ASGY.

This was when I was alliance mind you. Horde not taking SPGY can be more effective at crossing the bridge than taking SPGY if done right because it can force a lot of alliance that are defending ASGY who are close the the bridge to Rez on the wrong side and Rez into an aoe death trap.

But hay, Iā€™m not trying to help the horde understand strategy to cross the bridge right now, because by the time horde get to the bridge, alliance have already given up and we donā€™t have to worry about it.

TLDR: I like to lie about my experience in AV and have no idea what I am talking about when it comes to the AV map and refuse to do anything but state proven false things over and over and never actually address any of the many facts proving my points false.


Available Rez cycle =l= players available to Rez.

With 20 alliance defending and 30/Rez cycle that means horde can kill every alliance there and they are all back next Rez cycle.

Horde wonā€™t kill all alliance though so it just means alliance donā€™t get overrun by the Rez cycle

Sorry you canā€™t do math you still said there were 60 alliance players.

maybe thats why you think alliance have an advantage you think alliance have 50% more playersā€¦

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Rez cycle is not the number of alliance players. It is the number of available rezes per rez cycle.

If 20 alliance are defending and 15 die, 15 will Rez next Rez cycle if they position properly. Yet if 40 horde attack and 15 die, 10 will Rez next Rez cycle.

This means alliance have more available rezes, not more available players.

Please learn to read.

Also the other 15 Rez the alliance had available per that cycle can go to rezing offensive players to return to offense. Which would be more rezes than here horde would get that were at IWB who would get 10. (20 total, from SPGY giving 10 and 10 from SHGY for those that died at IWB)

So again, work on your reading comprehension.

Ok so in this example you have 20+ horde who almost certainly have Lok with them because they pushed through SPGY defense, prob also have wing commanders attacking SP and DB and someone are unable to take AS from 10 Alliance rezing just as far away from AS as they areā€¦

And somehow that is impossible for horde to doā€¦


20 alliance spawning 10 at a time from MUCH further away attacking into a choke with no raid boss and no supporting NPCs aoeing the GY or the choke can easily take the GY

Also you said there were enough defenders to have 20 defending the bridge and somehow enough to have 20 dead using the cave to defend and 20 on offenseā€¦

So you have 60 players


Dude just straight up admitted heā€™s only played Vanilla AV. Report all posts as trolling from here on out.

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Again, available Rez per Rez cycle IS NOT available players, if you have 20 people and 10 die, it means you will have 10 players back at the next Rez cycle. That doesnā€™t mean those 10 people who died didnā€™t do anything while defending in between that Rez cycle and the previous one. Iā€™ve seen healers run on to die 8 seconds before the next Rez cycle (there is an add-on for it) because they went oom. And it takes less time to die and be rezes with full hp and Mana in 8 seconds and move back into position to heal than it would to step back, get out of combat, drink to full Mana, and get back in the fight.

Again available Rez per cycle is not additional players, but they can be used to your advantage.