AV Cave Rez situation

The only AV games I’ve lost in the past few months have been ones where horde is so thoroughly outplayed that the scoreboard is at a minimum 2:1 in favor of alliance kills to deaths.

Any game where the kill:death ratio is closer to even is typically a horde win.

Just think about how imbalanced the map has to be to reach the point where horde only loses if it loses the actual PVP fights by a landslide and wins so long as that isn’t happening.


yes you can go both ways. The map is imbalanced, so we lose, now we are used to losing, and we always just lose.

It’s both though. The map, and the players. I would lean more towards the players attitude being the problem.

Look if you want a real challenge, classic WoW Dark Souls PvP, come play Alliance in AV. It is what it is and it’s still fun as hell.

Not everyone can jump in game and call strats the way I do, so yes, it will be rough for the majority. Def. need more macro quarterbacks on alliance.

Change the cave rez, change the cave rez, change the cave rez!!! Everyone now!

right but once the momentum shifts in a game so does the KD. KD isn’t always like that from the get go in those games. We had even KD at the beginning.

Don’t you dare compare a masterpiece like the souls games to the embarassment that is the current AV.

Yeah that’s fair, but I’ve seen way too many games where horde can just use a sheer “body count” advantage due to the way the respawn order works to just take graveyards without caring about the K:D.

LOL! Funny, funny gnome.

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you’re not going to overcome any map advantage with a defeatist attitude.

You’re not going to overcome the map with a positive outlook either.

But that’s irrelevant to begin with. The question is not how to overcome the imbalance, the question is how to get rid of the imbalance to begin with


Also I just wanted to say the quality of arguments between the no change vs change av is astounding. The no changers bring up metas of 15 years ago in support of the current av even though the argument works against them since the meta is different now.

The no changers say iwb choke is okay because we have a choke at the bridge. Where they cant tell the obvious difference between a choke as our last line of defense versus a choke which prevents us from having any offense to begin with.

The no changers say if only we would play both offense and defense at our bridge, we could win, as opposed to the horde who never have to worry about defending since they can all zug zug and have the cave bail them out in case.

I mean think about it, somehow having 20 alliance go from DB all the way across the map to RH, while horde is pounding on Vann, And they dont see how utterly ridiculous a situation that sounds

Jesus Christ


Learning is not hypocrisy…

maybe you should try the whole learning thing for a change.


No you do not… I have shown in VERY detailed terms that your understanding of the bridge is completely incorrect.


even if what you thought happens at the bridge happens the advantage only lasts till you retake softcap SP/SHGY at witch point you have to hold it for 5 mins at a rez disadvantage… meaning you have an uphill battle after which you have 2/3 of the map to fight through including what is OBVIOUSLY the actual strongest choke in the map IBGY.

ya man thats such a great advantage we are not taking advantage of… prob because its a way to delay a victory not a way to turn the tide and it puts us in a spot where we are going to lose eventually to Lok.


Yes we’ll win it with happy thoughts!

Looks like we have a real strategy here!

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You should have won those, frankly. I stopped counting after I got a dozen wins, but I’m probably somewhere around 15-18 or so now. Every single win except one, we had above a 3 to 1 HK advantage over horde. We just absolutely dominated in all of the fights. The one exception is when horde simply snoozed. This was probably in February or close to it, that was the first game I got clapped by a warrior with Ashkandi. We had a stealth team run south and cap IBGY and horde just ignored them - for the entire 5 minutes it took to hard cap. Once it hard capped, a bunch of us ghost ran down and started our offense. That horde team was so focused on offense (they were finally able to take SHGY) that they didn’t respond until after we had destroyed iceblood tower and had soft capped tower point and FWGY - something like that, memory is a bit hazy. We really should not have won that game since it was fairly close to even in terms of actual fighting.

Being able to have 20 alliance on offense (which includes killing ice daddy summons) and have a near garentee the horde can’t push past the bridge if done right isn’t an advantage?

If you get pushed to your base you send about 20 alliance down south, coordinate to softcap everything at the same time, then hold the horde up north with that 20 at IWB, you will have 30 Rez per cycle at this time while horde will have 10. After everything caps force horde out of SPGY as well.

You have now capped the entire map with SPGY soft capped. Go on full offensive.

It’s called strategy. If you tried using it you might win.

20 alliance just end up choked at the bunker you twit. You can’t even spell gaurantee and you wanna talk strats? No.

I guess if you wanna just make stuff up, the alliance can get an engineer to fix the I-win button and push it to win the game.

The rest of us live in reality where that is not even close to how the bridge can or does work.

because in your scenario… 20 people can keep out 40 people with no rez advantage when they are probablly getting attacked by wing commanders and dealing with Lok, that is not gonna happen unless the horde are signifigantly weaker.

Now if the horde have split there forces to hold SPGY and SHGY now the alliance have no chance of breaking SHGY because you have 20 people stuck in DB or the stop spawning there and another 20 attacking a defensive position with a GY that is farther away against an equal sized defense that rezes closer with a terrain advantage. and if they softcap SPGY now all 40 horde are defending SHGY making all the more difficult to take.


Not even Ram Team 7 could make that happen. It’s becoming more apparent that you don’t actually play AV. Lok happens during the SPGY siege most of the time.

I ran the numbers and this math doesn’t check out. Where are you getting 30 from? Are you including ram respawns in this?

There is no bridge when SPGY gets softcapped. In this miracle AV where the graveyard spawns work the way you think they do, AV would be balanced and this wouldn’t be a thread.

You keep using that word but I don’t think you know what it means.


So 20 alliance can’t win the fight vs the maybe 10 horde at IWB?

Got it…that’s a player issue.

Have you thought of maybe, just maybe moving back over the bridge as SPGY gets overwhelmed?

Instead of just dying there.

Which GY you go to is based on where you die.