AV Cave Rez situation

so anyway, stop ur cry fest and start thinking u can win

Go play Classic AV then and show us screen shots of all your glorious wins!

But you won’t because you can’t. Just like the devs won’t go play Alliance AV.

Really not even about the alliance premades, although that did have some contribution. The turtles started before that.

The first few days of Classic AV were rushing on both sides. Alliance won most of those because in a PVE race alliance tend to do better. Paladins and alliance racials are, undoubtably, better for PVE.

Horde started to defend in order to win some and the turtle was started. However, there was still quite a bit of rushing. The turtle by IB was mostly to slow the alliance rush and win the race.

So alliance started to premade to defeat the turtling. Queues started to go up horde-side at this time, the horde turtle increased, and the win rate for alliance started dropping unless you were in the top-tier premades.

It was a feedback loop from there. More turtle, longer games, more alliance losses, less alliance queuing, longer queues, rinse repeat. The removal of the ability to premade just exacerbated this cycle.

Edited to let you know you can post those screen shots anytime.

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Little of column A, little of column B…

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ur alliance tears sustain me lol

get good, stop thinking u can’t win

also, i didn’t take screen shots of my wins because they were so common for alliance back then hahahaha

Imagine thinking you’re good at PvP, then look at armory and you got no good PvP achievements…

The irony.

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imagine thinking armory means anything in classic

Your 2005 memes are as stupid as your claims.

Again you seem to be stuck in a time warp. Post your wins in CLASSIC AV.

I’m sure you would if you could. But you can’t.

good luck trolls

enjoy thinking u can never win in av hahahaha

You’re a failure.

says the 36 ne hunter with no av wins

lets all follow u to a loss

I never claimed to have any wins. You did. On Alliance. In Classic.

You’re a liar and a failure.


good luck in sh gy if u make it that far

Your AV win/loss for your whole lifetime starting with achievements.


You have no mythic kills, only a 100k HK achievement and NO ARENA.

You must be a PvP God.

Imagine coming here to trash talk when you’re trash at the game.

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lol ur tears sustain me

what don’t u get about thinking alliance can win av?

here’s a hint: it isn’t in my retail stats hahahaha

All I see is you with those trash stats.

Another keyboard turning clicker.

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here’s the best part: this toon didn’t even exist in vanilla

i made it in tbc

where are ur bs stats now?

What’s funny is he referenced retail AV as an example of where alliance win, a map where the cave rez situation is fixed and where both sides are typically zerging right now.

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