We’ll see there’s a third meta between scorched earth and zerg, it’s entirely possible it’ll go back to that.
I agree once TBC comes out only the hardcore classic players will remain. Should make for better AVs
The best chance scenario I’ve seen in AV lately is to either premade it somehow to do the SHB choke or to do Drek or Kek.
And if you’re in the pug AV instead of the premade, you better have all 40 rushing FWRH or it’s a guaranteed loss
? no
I’ve been doing nothing but pug AV’s and lots of people stay back to kill LT’s and cap IBT and TP. Few people stay back at DB and defend. It’s probably only half the team that’s usually in the Horde base.
Here’s the map from the game I’m currently in, which is probably going to be a win:
EDIT: Spoiler alert, it was a 14 minute win.
Drek and Kek works if the horde let it work (ie: horde does not really defend). I did some AV last night on my horde and alliance and horde defended almost every time and won most of the games.
In one of the games on my alliance, I even had my face smashed in by Hawne (the thread OP) while killing LTs, then like 10 horde went back to the FW base where we had 15 while like 25 of our team sat turtling SPGY thinking they were doing a good job for some reason. Horde won that game of course. Not surprising.
The alliance have not adapted well to Drek and Kek not working. Alliance often get wiped and FWRH gets taken back. Now if the alliance can get SHGY back when the attempts fail or even get SFGY/IBGY they can sometimes turn the game around but that doesn’t tend to happen.
Eh. The majority of my battles when i suggest putting up some defense it’s scoffed at with ‘lol why ez honor’. But you are right, Moo. The few times we have actually held FWB we did won. Though it can be said the same for the Alliance too. I’ve been a few recent battles where a handful of Alliance held the bridge to Dun Baldur long enough while they had a dedicated offense that would wear through our defense and win.
A small determined force can hold back and delay a greater enemy force if the composition, communication, and deployment is right.
(Sorry being in the army for long as I was I revert to old talk when it’s really just an video game. >_<)
I did AV all evening. Maybe in your AV world, grit and purgeable, dispellable paladin buffs are game changing, but I see alliance doing nothing but Drek or kek which typically turns into a kek when horde play defense. Alliance rarely come back from that because they’ve taken no gys on the way to RH. Even in your screenshot they only have RH and SPGY.
We do win enough to make alliance unwilling to play any other way.
Ive won a couple games now where the horde play defense. It reverts to the strat just before this one where it becomes about GY control ala taking SF and holding SHGY while pushing IWB.
But yeah, for the most part the alliance just folds like a cheap suit and whines about the game being 20 min long. Maybe 1 in 8 games theres actual sustained pvp fights.
That’s one of many reasons I enjoy AV, Elf. The large 40 v 40 battles, potential strats used. Horde has it’s share of whining. I just left an AV where a 5 man Horde team was positively crucified for their stated desire to defend. Funny how the b***hing stopped when it became the strat worked and Horde was going to win.
It’s been said over and over in this very thread that alliance and horde players are not different and anyone who PvPs outside of AV is probably aware of that.
Its possible to feel frustration with alliance and how they play the bg and still admit there is a horde advantage with this map.
I love AV. It’s a unique bg in objectives and win conditions, and I love the big clashes too, but I will never believe that this map was good for classic. It’s been a disaster from the start.
I don’t know actually know this map. I’ve done AV a few dozen times, but that was years ago. I don’t remember.
Was it balanced in 2005? If not, why should it be balanced now?
What you call “ignoring” others call “not playing”. Blizzard won’t play the game. They won’t change the rules to make things better for one side or the other. They won’t “help”.
Constantly tweaking the rules and/or map to “help” one faction or the other, in an endless attempt to make everything “balanced”… that’s not Blizzard’s job. How could they not do that? Easy. It’s not their job.
Horde queues are too low for them to really care. Its fast and cheap honor and enough wins to keep you fat and happy.
Edit: thx for not killing me in the barrens
Yeah, not sure if I was in that one, but was in one a couple hours ago where there was a bunch of people getting mad at those of us that defended and wiped alliance in the south.
Either way I’m having a blast. Trying to defend is fun even when you’re way overmatched.
I hope the salt in those tears tasted amazing LOL!
“why make it a 45 min game??? QQQQQQQQQ”
Happens on alliance side too. One game last night horde actually raced and were winning. Someone said the only way to win this one at this point is a mass recall. Someone else said “Do not recall and turn this into a 45 minute game”. So obviously they’d rather lose in 15 minutes, which we did.
Odd, it’s almost like the people who don’t believe the map is to blame for when alliance lost so much were saying this was the main reason alliance were losing? But no, it can’t be because they were chosing fast losses over long wins because of their que time being so short (similar to what horde are doing now as well with the shorter que time). It’s amazing the effect que time has on game duration and the willingness to play a long win vs a fast loss…
Give it a rest. Yes, some players think it’s better hph to do the short game, but it doesn’t prove any of the map imbalances discussed in this thread are not true. Queue times are only a fraction of the equation.
Also should be noted that alliance win rate increases dramatically in a race so there’s that too. Alliance queue times have not changed.
But horde que times have plummeted down to 10% what they were a few months ago.
just because everyone now agrees on the fast win or lose meta for better hph