AV Cave Rez situation

Horde cant win the game with 40 of them hovering around IBGY.

~The More You Know~

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Alliance cant win the game with 40 at the bridge.

The more you know.


Thanks for agreeing with me.

Horde don’t need to hover around IBGY that’s the whole point.
You have the cave which is basically the same GY but it can’t be contested and resses 20 at a time instead of 10.

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20 horde defenders rushing IB GY in 3-4 waves from the cave respawn over a 5 minute time frame can wipe out an alliance offense at IB GY in an even matchup.

That’s the whole point of this thread. There’s no equivalent alliance defense for SH GY (which is the first horde offense GY).

So that’s why alliance can’t field an effective offensive strategy.


Yeah okay does the game end right there with a horde W or nah?

Assuming that the other 20 horde have capped SH GY and set up a choke at IWB… yes.

Because 7 minutes after those 40 alliance arrived at IB GY, their whole team is choked at IWB with 40 horde there.

That is literally how most games I play go…unless horde goes braindead and forgets to defend IB GY early enough. Then we can lose in embarrassing fashion.


No but it creates a situation that will almost always result in a horde win as horde have likely soft capped SHGY during that time and alliance are now stuck north.

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It basically does end. Horde full send 40 to SH and soft cap it.
Meanwhile the 20 or so alliance that made it to IBGY get zero reinforcements because it takes 2 minutes to get back from stormpike and now the alliance have no offense.

What you’re asking of the Alliance is to leave 20 back at SH to defend vs 40 horde players. Meanwhile the horde never have to do this because of the cave.


If 40 alliance are rolling hard south to play the PvE race game what exactly do you propose those horde do? Kindly step aside? Just put 15 there so they can methodically farmed as everything caps and burns? Been there done that, if its a 2 hour wait, might as well get my moneys worth and go all out. Play the 60 min game, idc I just waited 2 damn hours to play one bg. Might as well win it too.

Besides all those are not my experiences. Even after an AV weekend where I actually lost a couple games and sweated out some others, a decent amount were still: farm each other at shgy. get shgy, have snowfall, farm each other at spgy. All turn ins and summons, get spgy, conquer db easily and win. Perfect victory. Thats the normal AV for me.

Ive seen 39 horde recall from the northern parts of the map when it looked like it might be a loss after a 2 and a half hour wait so yeah, I wouldnt be surprised if a team played like a team and said to themselves over our dead bodies are they winning this thing. If queues were 5 min, no one would give a damn but thats not the case.

Issue is we arent blaming them for winning, we arent mad they win, the issue is because there is no OUTPLAY the Alliance can do to counter it.

There is no strat that works. If horde defend IBGY with there cave there is no where Alliance will spawn because we wont have a graveyard south. We will spawn at SPGY and the game is over,

We can trade graveyards.
We can defend SHGY and assault IBGY.
We can attack SFGY and hold it, then split and attack IBGY.

We will always lose because once IBGY it taken, horde dont NEED to defend anything, take the current only graveyard we have with a full force of 40 either at SHGY or SFGY, now Alliance have NO PLACE TO REZ, then just back cap what we took because a force of 20 will kill our force of 40 because you will get over 6 rez waves of up to 20 at a time, 20 seconds away. Meanwhile every Alliance that dies defending IBGY will NEVER make it south again.


Do you know how easy it is for 40 alliance to troll horde at SH or SPGY? If thats what they want to do and theyre good enough to do it, they could. Ive experienced it many times.

Point being you cant win a game like that. You cant win on defense alone. You have to kill the end NPC. So if you cant get past them by ramming your heads against the wall you have to try something else. AVs can be real stalemates, hence the vanilla legend of games dragging on for hours and hours if not a day or two. I really dont know what else to tell you.

There are other factors like the pvp meta and queue times that feed into this. But if you want to look at it from inside the game the alliance are a big part of the alliance problem in AV. Ive encountered alliance teams that were half non 60s. I dont know what a map alteration is going to do to solve that. There are theories of course but none of them hold any water beyond wish fulfillment.


You know what also likely results in a horde win?

When alliance give up on winning before the game even starts.


We just don’t want to exploit our ram advantage so we just give it to the horde. Alliance are generous like that.

Noone has ever denied alliance can turtle at SH or SP(well actually not SP that is a horrible GY to defend as alliance but DB) indefinitely, or at least until horde summon the ice guy. Those aren’t fun game for alliance and i doubt they are for horde.

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Imagine that a bit of honesty on the forum.

What a god


They’re “trolling” themselves too, in fact worse than they’re doing to the horde.

If the game goes an hour instead of 30 minutes and the horde have a queue of 1.5 hours then they went from 2 hours a game to 2.5 hours a game. That’s a decrease in rewards of 20%.

For alliance with a 5 min queue it went from 35 minutes a game to 65 minutes for a decrease of about 46%.

So to “troll” the horde by drawing out the game an extra half hour the alliance have to hurt themselves more than twice as much. Doesn’t seem like a great idea to me, this is exactly why horde prefer slower games compared to alliance!

Wait wait wait, according to Misadventure, allaince turtling and playing D is working as intended.

The Alliance are supposed to lose most of the time but waste as much time as they can.

Maybe a better solution would be to just remove the summons of ice guy and tree guy, that removes horde’s soft win while allowing alliance to turtle indefinitely in DB.

Also odd noone mentions how tree guy bugs out most of the time but ice guy doesn’t… guess tree guy doesn’t get summoned enough…


Tree guy rarely gets summoned for multiple reasons:

  1. By the time alliance have enough storm crystals, the horde have used the map advantage to push to the bridge and just slaughter the druids
  2. Even if the druids make it to the circle, its a 50/50 chance that the summon will actually work.
  3. The tree guy is so stupidly weak compared to Lok that it isn’t worth summoning anyway.
  4. The druids walk to almost the middle of the field of strife to start the summon, where the shaman to summon Lok are safely perched on a ledge above Strife.
  5. Horde have a massive map advantage.

Alliance can’t hold SF with 10 spawn horde so what makes you think they can hold IBGY? Your backup is still coming from SP.

Alliance and their obsession with IBGY. Sigh.