AV Cave Rez situation

You really do not understand AV. Defending the bridge works much better on the north side of it with archer cover and AS rez.

ā€¦ do you understand that yes, you defend the bridge from there. And you also attack the horde from behind FLANKING them using the cave to kill their healers and trapping their rezers at SPGY by meat grinding it until most horde are dead and trying to Rez. When you have a Rez advantage of 3:1 you can play suicide squad from the cave, go in and just kill the clothies from behind When horde are now losing more than 10 per 30 seconds because you killed their healers from behind you then you meat grind the GY, all their healers are trapped there now so more and more horde die. You complain about how horde can use SPGY to meat grind alliance, yet refuse to accept that you can do the same thing to horde when they have itā€¦ With the facts of having a 3:1 Rez advantage, having 20 of that 30 Rez option being able to flank the horde (and turn the SPGY into a meat grinder from above) and the 10 of that 30 Rez option fortified with the bridge, archers, exc. To prevent horde from passing.

You like to say I donā€™t understand how AV worksā€¦ Yet you refuse to use the alliance map advantage to any degree. Although to be fair the main thing holding the alliance back is that by the point alliance can spring the SPGY death trap they usually have 20+ people that are afk/leaching l already gave up.

From a map perspective the alliance are not at a huge disadvantage. No card carrying alliance player wants to hear it but the major difference in AV is the hordeā€™s tenacity.

Yeah, IB is a damn good choke because its supposed to be and the horde use it to their fullest capacity. Hard to blame them since you run the risk of waiting 2 hours and 48 minutes only to lose badly in 30-40 minutes.

The alliance just dont take it as seriously. Thereā€™s really nothing else to say about it. Thereā€™s a hundred excuses but only one real answer.


Weird that alliance who take winning seriously prefer to play on balanced mapsā€¦ guess thatā€™s just some weird coincidence though.

The other maps are 10-20 minute waits for the horde, so with that 2+ hour wait for AV it makes horde much more motivated to try to win each individual AV.

It also gives them time to farm consumables, take a break, and be ready for a long fought AV

So what youā€™re saying is short queues donā€™t lead to someone just giving up.

Weird itā€™s almost like there must be some other reason on AV.

Look, he knows that quite well, because his ā€œbUt aB/wSg!ā€ schtick has been shot down countless times. He is going to continue to spout it, in the hopes that someone will wander into the thread who has not heard his garbage before.

And in a year from now, you will be likely find him posting out of the other side of his mouth, and these posts here can be quoted to once again show everyone his hypocrisy.

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and you know it. id go as far to say he will post on multiple toons to argue with himself to bait people into a thread. its how he outed himself by picking the wrong one when switching back. showing all of us, he in fact does not play classic.
he hasnt even capped in shadowlands, this is probably where he finds his joy in wow. trolling the forums.

god i miss cogshanksā€¦

For the zillionth timeā€¦ if your whole alliance team is at the cave or AS and horde has soft capped SP GY, youā€™ve already lost.

There is no way to turn that around. Even if you were to put everything into taking back SP GY, that gets you nothing since your whole team is choked north of IWB.

Nearly 7000 posts and you guys are still trying to argue that the problems with a non-mirror map that starts one team near their northern most defensive GY vs the other team much further away have nothing to do with the map.

The effort/2 hour horde queues are a part of this, but the root cause of all these problems is the cave spawn.


So you are saying the map is a result of the map?

What many of us have been saying, is that the map is not the reason for a 98% loss rate.

The only thing it is the root cause of is an excuse to handwave every other reason for the loss rate, most related to both quick queue lack of motivation, and sour grape foot stamping childishness due to clear exploitation being removed. Sorry, but you do not get to blame an aspect of the map while you flat out disregard 15 years of historical evidence that that aspect has no bearing on the matter.

Cave rez change? Go for it
SFGY res location fix? Go for it.
But your incessant blaming of the cave for 98% losses is getting tiresome, and blizzard is not impressed by 6k posts if those 6k posts are the same garbage.


Yes and noone including Hawne claimed it was.

Weird how root causes can have cascading effects.

Begone, or I will reply via more of your hypocritical posts.

You mean like how youā€™ve admitted the map has issues that should be fixed but keep insisting the only reason alliance lose is because they suck(but only in AV)?

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Odd that you keep accusing me of this, and yet you have never supplied a [citation] of anything of the sort.

But hey, youā€™re just here for the blue dot dopamine, likely do not even have a L60 classic character, if you even play WoW at all at this point. If you do, it is likely Hawne, the OP of this thread.

What do you find confusing about this? Even if the only disadvantage is only say 10% so relatively minor as you claim.

Competitive players who want to win will slowly stop playing that map as they will lose through no fault of their own. That creates a situation where a minor initial issue turns into a major one.

But sure alliance should just keep queuing and hoping they RNG into a better team instead of queuing for balanced maps. I donā€™t think you have any clue what actual motivates competitive players who want to win.

Imagine a post getting more than 6500 replies, and devs just completely ignore it.
Welcome to Blizzard customer support


Weird, as we have been told time and again that horde players and alliance players are identical.

Yet more Zyrius hypocrisy.

The majority of the posts are from a handful of players repeatedly making the same posts.

Hmmā€¦ they do seem to be the same since alliance are doing just fine in WSG/AB.

Seems like itā€™s a map issue not a player issue :slight_smile:

Maybe itā€™s just a comprehension issue on your end?

Alliance have a cave that is able to support a 30 Rez cycle because of how it connects with ASGY. It is compounded in isnā€™t strength from being able to be supported by the bridge allowing alliance to flank the horde, and when done properly turn SPGY into a meat grinder because of the elevated ground above the Rez point the cave gives. It also gives a pathing to bypass horde fighting at the bridge. To go south and on offense.

But to many alliance have already given up by this point most games to even try any of this because 20+ of the alliance are just waiting for the game to end because they gave up, not because the game was unwinnable, because it was winnable, it would have just been a long game.