AV Cave Rez situation

I think the cave should be moved back in classic also.

Right now Horde get across the field of strife before Alliance and use this to call out wherever the Alliance offensive may be heading. Small advantage at best but still an advantage.

It would definitely open up different options for starting offensives on the alliance side. The distance from the mouth of the cave where you can mount to the center of the field of strife on a mount (not as the crow flys) should be equal.


Im a day 1 vanilla player and have played both factions for 15 years. Im not biased towards one or the other. That doesnt mean jack to me but of course you are very biased so you just assume I am too.

I also call it like I see it. I dont make excuses for shoddy play or kid myself to spare my feelings. My teams are generally bad and Im a part of that. Im still having fun regardless and thats all that really matters.

I travel fast on my mount and when I approach shgy normally a horde rogue is close. Putting players aside fixing cave, spawning at gy location and more than 10 at a time for alliance would benefit. Can’t change players but for those willing to play it gives better odds.


allow everyone to queue as a premade, that will fix the problem.

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I would love to see your comparison video then.


Last time I gave any evidence it was 100% ignored and replied to with insults.

Go test it yourself, or even just go watch the video already there. He starts the “timing” from the entrance of the cave. Not the time it takes to run to the entrance after rezing, it’s bias evidence made to look legitimate.


Even give or take a couple seconds, the routes are an order of magnitude in difference.

I would literally never play AV if horde was on the north end. The map is so glaringly imbalanced.

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The SFGY rezing at ASGY is a big issue.

The rest is not and is blown way out proportion by the map criers.

They whine about horde cave because 20>10 then complete dismiss the effect of alliance cave coming into play with the 30>10 due to it being able to be used with the ASGY to cause horde to be attacked from behind while still having to push through what would otherwise be an even 10-10 of the cave wasn’t there, while also considering that 10-10 has THE BEST choke point in the game for alliance to use at that time.

The reason alliance almost never use their 30>10 advantage is because they don’t want to play a 2+ hour game and have already given up when alliance is at its strongest point in the map (which is meant to be used to trap horde in the north but not at the final boss and capture everything in the south).

But alliance never use it properly, and that’s not the maps fault.

It seems a very contradictory statement. Can you explain it ?


Summary of this post:

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So whoever starts north is at a major disadvantage?

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North is too cold for me

Friendly reminder - that’s only your opinion and contains no facts or evidence to counter the video evidence and screenshots that have been posted numerous times in this thread.

Friendly reminder- those videos have been shown to have bias facts by distorting what information is used for comparison by ignoring factors like run time after Rez to get to the mouth of the horde cave for reinforcing IBGY and others.

The 1-5 non existent massive map imbalances are not an opinion, only the 1-6 reasons alliance lose are an opinion. And my opinion is mostly based on the fact that the massive map imbalances are not a thing.

Of course Im winning a bunch of AVs right now but all the losses play out the same as they do any other day. The alliance dont understand GYs and play with no sense of urgency.

Neither do horde, but their map advantage let’s them zug zug to victory.


Exactly. It’s that misconception they seem to have that horde better understand AV that’s annoying. They don’t.

Also saw him in an AV a couple of nights ago. He didn’t appear to have a recall trinket or maybe he doesn’t understand the importance and urgency of defending DB when players ask for help.

Until you provide proof that counters what’s already been shared, it’s opinion and holds very little weight. Your word isn’t any more credible than ours.

They do. The alliance are ramming their collective head’s against a wall with this idiotic strat of zerging IBGY after gifting SFGY to the horde.

That idiocy is not on the horde players. It’s on the alliance.


And yet horde can ram their heads into SHGY and win every time. It’s not that horde understand AV better. It’s the map that makes it easy for them.