AV Cave Rez situation

He acts like summoning lok and bat riders don’t counter the bridge as if he’s going to win standing on the bridge

The bridge let’s you defend with half your team and still hold off the entire enemy team (with proper play/composition) this means the other half of your team can be interrupting the summons or killing them when alliance leave it after it was summoned.

There is counterplay options, even if alliance refuse to use them because they already gave up.

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A full 40 Alliance team wouldn’t hold off Lok and bat riders.

Oh so if the horde team is basically twice as good as alliance they’ll win?

Yeah no duh, that’s also a win for alliance when it happens in their favor.

It gets changed in TBC, where Alliance will be winning the vast majority of AVs and Horde will be here complaining.

The horde already complaining because alliance is premading again lmfao.

Imagine winning 95% of games and you run into a premade and lose and you come to the forums to cry about it.


It’s not July anymore. Horde doesn’t win AV the way they used to. Alliance probably wins more than 50/50 these days. Sucks cause the queues are still 2h+ for horde so the rep farm is a nightmare.

Well yeah it’s like saying imagine losing one game cause the opposite team cheated … you have all the reasons to “cry”. It’s a very legitimate complaint.

So are the map imbalances.

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Queing at the same time is not cheating rofl.

I guess its cheating if youre horde.

Blizzard broke AV premades multiple times for alliance, que synching could be considered cheating at this point with how much effort blizzard put in to preventing premades in AV. However, it is now being done without an add-on to my knowledge and is only the result from a lack of alliance queing for AV. I don’t think blizzard will be punishing players for doing it at this point because they are no longer using 3rd party software to help them que into the same AV.

And as for if it’s cheating, that’s blizzards decision, Its their game after all.

What a pointless post.

Thanks for telling me blizzard could ban them if they think its cheating.

The amount of insight.

The 3rd party software also does the exact same thing, it ques people together, which was why it was never broken before.

It just takes the communication out of all queing at the same time, as that’s what it does for you.

This addon or a form of it was used in Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK. I quit after wotlk for a long time so I’m not so sure about the add-ons usage after WOTLK.

It’s not cheating per se but it’s abusing the system and giving an incredible advantage to one side. Hence the fact Blizzard changed that possibility.

Indeed, but it’s controlled by Blizzard, not by players. Besides, there is map imbalances in favor of both sides and the impact are debatable.

I think everyone knows the impact premade vs pug has.

Debatable :joy:

Map imbalances are not debatable. They have been proven and if it has any impact on one side getting a winning advantage, it needs fixed.

The whole “sure horde have an advantage but alliance suck/don’t try/afk” is just players who are not wanting to lose their free honor. There is no valid reason any reasonable person would still be arguing against balancing the map they know is imbalanced.

If the premade advantage is a problem then so are map advantages.

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The alliance win rate says it’s not debatable.

And no map advantages don’t work like that, they don’t just get summed up and zeroed out. Where they are on the map is a huge factor.

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Imbalances are not debatable but their impacts are , like we showed in many posts above. However, I agree any imbalance should be fixed.

But the map imbalances are not explaining why alliance wins like 1% of their game. While the imbalances make it harder for alliance, alliance can still win. But alliance rankers left to premade wsg/ab so they usually have less good pvp players globally in AV. Alliance also has fast queues so why spend 2 hours in a battleground for rep when you can make a decent amount in half and hour, lose and repeat. And yeah, map imbalances doesn’t help either. And because of all that, alliance is disheartening. When you think you will lose, you lose. And that’s the real reason the win rate is so low. But let’s not blame 99% loss rate on map imbalances please. It’s an insult to wisdom.

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And most people aren’t playing the 99% loss rate on the map, we’re blaming the 90-85% loss rate on AV weekends when alliance are at their best on the map.

8-3 this holiday and even a couple of those losses were really close.


Impossible! I was told alliance only got to around 20% winrate on AV weekend when I was giving my personal experience of alliance going near a 40% win rate.

Your telling me you are winning over 50%! You must be lieing!

Aka, the people who believe alliance can’t get past 20% winrate on AV weekend haven’t played AV in months.

Thank you for being another example for them to look at to see alliance can win. Though they will just dismiss it as dumb luck.

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