AV Cave Rez situation

The player issue doesn’t go away, it is lessened by having the better players added to the AV pool, but the afk/leachers don’t leave the pool, they are just less of them per participating player because there are more participating players on AV weekend.

Im not in love with classic’s honor system but I aint giving the players a free pass. AV is a perfectly lovely BG that could provide some premium pvpz for players who get their kicks pvping in 16 year old MMOs but the bulk of the classic crowd is too hung up on status fetishes to be of any good to the community and so that trickles down into the games themselves and AV blows as a result. The rest aint much better.

PvP is supposed to be its own reward. If you put rewards or ranks ahead of that then you can just lay down in the bed that you made instead of asking Blizz to code around player greed and apathy cuz that dont work either.

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If they made a game duration multiple for the end of match rep/honor for the end of game that might make it a little better.

For example 30 minute game is normal reward 30-60 minutes is 1.5 reward, 60-90 minutes is 2.0 reward, 90-120 2.5 exc.

This would improve the incentive for alliance to play the long games a little, but on its own it likely won’t be enough.

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Id do the opposite. Id lower gains or change the way rep works/is gained.

If they changed the rep/honor gains to primarily favor actual HK’s instead of objectives that would work.

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Yeah I dunno. Im sure theres lots they could try but I think why bother.

In theory, adding conquest to random bgs in retail should have improved a few issues facing the playstyle but the players have other ideas entirely and made things worse.

Now you gotta course correct again and it gets even worse. Sometimes you just gotta resist the impulse to get involved and let the universe sort it out.

/shrug we have changes that wouldn’t be unknowns they could make like fixing the cave rez/moving the cave back.

Could move snowfall too lol

Our cave reses us in the wrong direction of what we are currently defending at that point and you still point it out as some advantage lol.

What map advantage does Alliance have?

Do you know how a flanking strategy works?

Do you know you have a trinket to move you to aid station side if you truly need to get over there?

Do you know you can Rez at aid station with proper positioning? (Be on the aid station side of the bridge on death)

Do you know your cave rezes you far closer to SPGY than horde cave does for IBGY?

Do you know your cave spawns you above the SPGY cave and it gives you a path south where you don’t even need to go to the road to head south and you can get south without any real resistance from horde?

Your cave is very strong. You not using it properly isn’t the maps fault.

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Ohh please like you guys flank anything, you zerg SHGY and if the alliance defend it you summon lok and continue zerging. Quit acting like you deploy any strategy lol.

Yes our cave puts us in the wrong direction so we should spend a minute equipping n using that trinket just to remedy it when horde never run into this scenario.

I don’t know why i even need to point this out, well i guess i do from your other posts lol…If you are fighting at SPGY and you die, you are on the wrong side of the bridge and get sent in the wrong direction. When does this happen for horde?

This part is actually true but the problem is our cave comes into play when the horde have already gotten to burn 2 bunkers, kill balinda and secure a northern graveyard. Horde cave prevents virtually all of that happening in the opposite direction.

Our cave is useless, we are already trapped north thanks to the SHGY bottle neck, we all know this even you. You just keep spewing nonsense because you can’t admit the reason horde win isn’t skill that its imbalances.

We can turtle in DB until the ice guy is summoned.

This is really the only “advantage” horde keep bringing up.

Do they think resources are in play or . . . ?

No idea, it seems like they don’t even realize the ice guy can be summoned.

And wing commanders.

At any rate, I’d be hard pressed to call the bridge any kind of advantage in Classic. TBC maybe. But then again, TBC fixes a lot of things.

Even in TBC the bridge only really becomes an advantage if alliance have managed to burn a tower and kill Galv. Otherwise it still functions the same as vanilla as just a delay on the loss.

Last night I played in one of the most fun AV’s I’ve been in since I played on a PS. I’ll preface this by saying the Alliance played near perfectly and the Horde made many crucial mistakes. They could have won but their scorched earth mindset resulted in them being broken and humiliated.

We started out on the bridge - yes the bridge. We waited there while Horde capped SHGY and burned IWB and SHB. When they began trickling in they were killed one by one. When they balled up with their entire assault we held the bridge while they threw themselves at us, sometimes a few at a time and other times the entire team. They were nuked.

We waited until they hard capped SP and then wiped them over and over again without capping SP. We camped them mercilessly. I have to say it was really gratifying watching them rez over and over at one of the worst designed GY’s in the game, and maybe realizing what a fishbowl that GY really is.

When Horde stopped rezzing we capped SP and deathballed to SHGY. We did the same thing there and by this time there were more than a few Horde who had afk’d or left the BG.

We went on to SF and it was a little harder to hold. But with only 5 Alliance or so watching DB our entire team was able to do it. We advanced while a small team retook SHGY.

Horde simply gave up. When we finally killed Drekk, almost two hours later, the entire map was blue with the exception of IWB and SHB. And we camped their cave until they stopped rezzing.

Horde could have let us have SF and rushed DB, easily winning the race for a win. The bridge wasn’t even an option for us at that point. They could have waited us out at IBGY and chosen to defend that GY, eventually pushing us back while they capped SHGY. They could have chosen not to get stuck in their cave where they couldn’t recall.

But quite honestly I don’t think they realize how absolutely terrible SHGY and SPGY are designed. I honestly believe they think Alliance are just bad, or give up instead of defending these defenseless graveyards. It never occurred to them to defend IBGY.

It’s also worth noting that Alliance played near perfectly. We had a handful of people back capping DB as stealthers slipped through. We had a few people who capped RH while the majority of the team farmed the Horde cave. There were a few Alliance who took out the remaining WM’s while the majority of the team camped the Horde cave.

So in the end, yes, Alliance played with all the skill of a ranking premade while Horde played with all the skill of a terrible pug- unorganized, confused and unable to adapt.

Their hubris and lack of skill not only caused them to lose, but to be totally humiliated. And it was worth the two hour game.

You mean for once you used your map advantages?

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Oh you really can’t read. I said Horde could have won that game.

There’s no way Alliance can win a game with the bridge, or any other strat, if Horde adapt instead of hurr durring the way they always do.

Horde could have won that game. I even laid out the ways they could have done so. Learn to read. Or something…